Friday, April 9, 2021

Workout 72 - RowErg - Whatcha Got, Hot Shot?!
Warm Up (~5 Minutes)
Using 'just row'
5 Minute gradual build in Stroke Rate and Power
Workout (~20 Minutes)
Set the monitor to 'just row'
Set the units to 'watts'
10 Intervals of Work
Work = 17 Strokes Together
Take 2 strokes to sync up at target stroke rate, the next 5 strokes you will pull harder, gradually increasing the watts to a challenging number. The final 10 strokes you will work to sustain that number while maintaining good technique. 
You'll continue to row after each set of power tens, just take the intensity way down and take your stroke rate down to 20-22 -- don't stop rowing throughout the workout.

Stroke Rates targets for each interval:
4 @ 24
3 @ 26
2 @ 28
1 @ 30

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