Monday, May 31, 2021

Workout 78 - RowErg - Step Down

Workout 78: (Few Medium Length Hard Intervals) You can speed things up, but can you step them down AND stay under control? Control is tricky when speed changes. How hard you push shall be our constant. Try to keep the intensity the same throughout the entire 5 minutes. Aim for a 6-8 on the RPE scale. 
4 Sets of 5 Minute Intervals with 2 Minutes Rest (113 Drag)
5 Minute Interval Breakdown:
5-3 Minutes: Build to a Fast Stroke Rate
3-2 Minutes: Drop 2 Beats and Hold Stroke Rate Steady
2-1 Minutes: Drop 2 Beats and Hold Stroke Rate Steady
1-0 Minutes: Drop 2 Beats and Hold Stroke Rate Steady

Set 1: Build to a 26 then drop down to 24-22-20 (this should be used as a warmup)
Set 2: Build to a 28 then drop down to 26-24-22
Set 3: Build to a 30 then drop down to 28-26-24
Set 4: Open Rate - I chose to stay with the 30-28-26-24 
Set 5: Cooldown at a slow rate/pace for the entire 5 minutes

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