Some solid tempo work today. This should be maintainable with focus on rate and repeatability. Stay consistent or increase pace throughout, if possible. Might try this again, bumping up the pace every other interval. #lastfast
“Unless a man undertakes more than he can possibly do, he will never do all that he can.“ -Henry Drummond
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
"Going Up"
100m | :30 rest
200m | 1:00 rest
300m | 1:30 rest
400m | 2:00 rest
500m | 2:30 rest
600m | 3:00 rest
700m | 3:30 rest
800m | done!
100m | :30 rest
200m | 1:00 rest
300m | 1:30 rest
400m | 2:00 rest
500m | 2:30 rest
600m | 3:00 rest
700m | 3:30 rest
800m | done!
Pulled this from DH Rowvember archive. You already know how this is going to feel 🤢🤢. With the built-in rest periods there is no need to hold anything back. These should be completed at race pace and rate. Warmed up with DH 10-minute build and aimed to hold all rounds at 2k plus 1-2 seconds.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Friday, November 25, 2022
This is 30x1:00 with no rest between intervals. Program the monitor for 1:00 intervals with no rest.
30 Minutes Every Minute we begin a new Interval
*Power increases as the timeframe for power decreases
3 intervals of 10 Seconds at 22 SPM / 50 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 15 Seconds at 22 SPM / 45 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 20 Seconds at 22 SPM / 40 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 25 Seconds at 22 SPM / 35 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 30 Seconds at 22 SPM / 30 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 35 Seconds at 22 SPM / 25 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 40 Seconds at 22 SPM / 20 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 45 Seconds at 22 SPM / 15 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 50 Seconds at 22 SPM / 10 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 55 Seconds at 22 SPM / 5 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
30 Minutes Every Minute we begin a new Interval
*Power increases as the timeframe for power decreases
3 intervals of 10 Seconds at 22 SPM / 50 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 15 Seconds at 22 SPM / 45 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 20 Seconds at 22 SPM / 40 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 25 Seconds at 22 SPM / 35 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 30 Seconds at 22 SPM / 30 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 35 Seconds at 22 SPM / 25 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 40 Seconds at 22 SPM / 20 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 45 Seconds at 22 SPM / 15 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 50 Seconds at 22 SPM / 10 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 55 Seconds at 22 SPM / 5 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
Thursday, November 24, 2022
The 2023 World Rowing Indoor Champs will feature a new multi event competition - The Versa. To qualify, competitors must complete each of the below challenges by November 28.
Qualification Challenge 1 (QC1): 3333m
Score: Total time to complete challenge.
Qualification Challenge 2 (QC2): 7 x 2:30 on, 0:30 rest
Score A: Total meters rowed during all working minutes (rest time is not counted).
Score B: Meters rowed during the first 2:30 round.
This has been a tough week of training. Not every workout has to kill you. Held both of these at a relaxed recovery pace, enjoying a warm Thanksgiving afternoon.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
The goal of this workout is to accumulate volume at heavy loads and to potentially find a 5-rep max hang squat clean. Build up for at least the first three sets. Felt pretty good throughout considering I don't squat clean all that often.

16 X 1 Minute of Work Intervals
(1 Minute of Rest in between)
Set 1: 4 Intervals @ 22
Set 2: 4 Intervals @ 24
Set 3: 4 Intervals @ 26
Set 4: 4 Intervals @ 28
Use the first interval of each set to dial into the target stroke rate. The last 3 intervals of each set, aim to maximize the number of calories we can accumulate in that minute. The ultimate goal is to maintain or increase the number of calories accumulated in each minute all the way through the workout. (Effort is an 8 or 9 on the RPE Scale*)
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Variable Distance
Rest 4mins/3mins/2mins between each
2k plus 25-27 seconds to start
Increase pace 3 seconds from previous with each rate increase
Rest 4mins/3mins/2mins between each
2k plus 25-27 seconds to start
Increase pace 3 seconds from previous with each rate increase
Treat this as a recovery effort, focused on good technique while accumulating volume. Some points to remember are to sit up straight, keep your heels down at catch and slow down your recovery.
Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: barbell bench press @ 155-pounds
30 banded triceps push downs (two hands, purple band)
Monday, November 21, 2022
Seven intervals in a pyramid of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 minutes, with one minute of rest in between each piece.
Speed is irrelevant for us today. We are focusing on three things: mechanics, rate of perceived effort, and strokes per minute. On the first three intervals, you want to be an RPE of 6 out of 10 with a rate of 24-25. Try to hold or improve on these paces on the way back down the ladder. Your RPE here should stay on 7-8.
For time:
Row 500 meters
50 GHD Sit-ups*
Row 1,000 meters
30 GHD Sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 GHD Sit-ups
Row 500 meters
50 GHD Sit-ups*
Row 1,000 meters
30 GHD Sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 GHD Sit-ups
*subbed v-ups since no GHD at WCY
Today is all about patience. You could murder that first interval and gain 10-20 seconds. This time would be eaten up in those sit-ups without you even noticing. Approach this workout as the endurance piece it is. Open at a conservative pace and focus on trying to sustain that pace and even increasing at the end. Kept the pace on the rower manageable and broke v-ups into sets of 10. Weighted dumbbell sit-ups are also a good option for those that don't have a GHD.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Worked out with Jeff S, alternating every other round. Kept the row at a relaxed and conversational pace. If done alone, transitions need to be tighter and pacing more consistent. There was too much variance in my later rounds. I went first and my scores are all of the odd rounds, Jeff's the even rounds.
Friday, November 18, 2022
Thursday, November 17, 2022
"Seeing Double"
Aim to make the second interval faster than the first using the same stroke rate. Rest 1 minute between each interval.
Aim to make the second interval faster than the first using the same stroke rate. Rest 1 minute between each interval.
5 minutes @ r20 x2
4 minutes @ r22 x2
3 minutes @ r24 x2
2 minutes @ r26 x2
1 minute @ r28 x2
So you'll do 5 mins, rest, then do another 5 mins (faster than the first time) repeating this cycle all the way through the 1-minute interval. Started conservatively with the idea that I would nudge the rate up by :02 with each interval. Felt good throughout. Drag set to 119 as always.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Sunday 221113
Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps
Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps
Used 120-pounds across all five sets. Took the bar from the rack each set. This workout is strength focused but will also challenge stamina due to the number of reps to be completed per set. Warmed up with PVC and some 100m repeats on the SkiErg to get a pump going. Just one set with the empty bar before my work sets. Maintain a stable midline throughout each set while achieving the full range of motion.
Core Challenge
3:00 plank hold
100 toe touches
100 toe touches
Break the plank as needed. Don't forget to breathe.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Monday, November 14, 2022
Friday, November 11, 2022
Thursday, November 10, 2022
A. 7 Rounds
20 HS Shoulder Taps w/pause @ 10 and :05 hold
No issues here, although muscular endurance in the handstand is not where it once was. Started with a complex of handstand shoulder taps, hip taps and handstand hold (5-10-15-20, rest as needed). Did the round of 5 & 10 but realized I was not going to be able to get the hip taps on the larger sets and pivoted to the above.
B. Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes x 7 rounds
1 shoulder press
*add weight each round
This was that much more difficult after the handstand work. Still, the weight was going up relatively easy, I just made too big a jump from the 170 bar to 185.
C. 3 sets:
30 banded pull-aparts (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (purple band)
The pump is going to be with me for some time after todays workout.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
"Rapid Descent"
Decreasing time intervals with increasing speeds
6 mins start @ r20 👆1-2 spm every 1 min
5 mins start @ r22 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
4 mins start @ r24 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
3 mins start @ r26 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
2 mins start @ r28 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
1 min hold r30+ for the duration
Decreasing time intervals with increasing speeds
6 mins start @ r20 👆1-2 spm every 1 min
5 mins start @ r22 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
4 mins start @ r24 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
3 mins start @ r26 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
2 mins start @ r28 👆 1-2 spm every 1 min
1 min hold r30+ for the duration
100 Hollow Rocks
*every break, 10 penguin heel taps
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Monday, November 7, 2022
As written, start at 2k plus :16 (2:12.5) and drop split by :03 every rate change. When programming the monitor, set the splits to read every 3 mins to capture your rate change and splits accurately. Was short on time and did not warmup and while I did drop my split with each rate change, I also started too slowly. When done properly, this should be a 7000m row.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
5 rounds each, alternating with a partner:
1-minute assault bike
100m DB farmers carry (50-pounds)
Goals: Hold 70+ rpm on the bike and remain unbroken on the carries.
1-minute assault bike
100m DB farmers carry (50-pounds)
Goals: Hold 70+ rpm on the bike and remain unbroken on the carries.
Notes: Don't underestimate this piece even with alternating rounds. As RX'd written as 7 rounds with a minute rest between each but Matt was short on time so we only did five rounds. Managed to keep the bike above 70rpms and each carry unbroken. Carry was from garage door to Bill's mailbox and back. The pace on the bike was challenging yet sustainable.
Friday, November 4, 2022
Thursday, November 3, 2022
50 Calorie Row
4 Touch and Go Squat Cleans (125lbs)
Rest 3:00
This is a good test to see how well you lift under fatigue. I wanted to ensure quality movement, especially on the squat cleans, but was too conservative with both the pace on the row and the weight on the bar. The idea is to be fatigued from the row but still lift well - the squat cleans were all no-doubters. The workout called for 70-80% on the barbell which is somewhere between 140 and 160-pounds.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
1A: First 400m Time [1:38.6]
1B: Total Time [6:25.2]
1A: First 400m Time [1:38.6]
1B: Total Time [6:25.2]
Messed up and thought the score was last rep fast, instead my first was my worst split. Still happy with this time as it's been a while since I pushed myself at this middle distance. What a difference a warmup makes - spent 10 minutes warming up prior to hitting this one.
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