Thursday, November 10, 2022

A. 7 Rounds
20 HS Shoulder Taps w/pause @ 10 and :05 hold

No issues here, although muscular endurance in the handstand is not where it once was. Started with a complex of handstand shoulder taps, hip taps and handstand hold (5-10-15-20, rest as needed). Did the round of 5 & 10 but realized I was not going to be able to get the hip taps on the larger sets and pivoted to the above. 

B. Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes x 7 rounds
1 shoulder press
*add weight each round


This was that much more difficult after the handstand work. Still, the weight was going up relatively easy, I just made too big a jump from the 170 bar to 185. 

C. 3 sets:
30 banded pull-aparts (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (purple band)

The pump is going to be with me for some time after todays workout. 

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