Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A: Bench Press 
6-6-5-5-4-4 reps
165//180//195//210//225//225lbs (2 reps)

B: Handstand Push-ups
[based on max unbroken set] 
5 unbroken: 4-3-3-2-1
10 unbroken: 9-8-7-6-5
15 unbroken: 12-10-8-6-4

Plan was to follow the 10 unbroken template but I came off the wall after six reps on my first set. Ended up dropping down to the 5 unbroken rep scheme which was too easy. Don't be afraid to try the 10s rep scheme next time out. Remember to ALWAYS press fast. The only time you should press slow out of the bottom is when you are trying to grind out 1 or 2 last reps. 

C: Row Intervals 
3x3mins // rest 1min
rate 24-26
2k plus 14; get faster 
300m for time

Monday, October 30, 2023

Workout 89 - RowErg - Mirrored Pyramids 
(Continuous with Variable Power Intervals) The harder you push, the more resistance you feel. Sandwiched inside a warm up and cool down we build up our stamina, then test our endurance.
Using Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale 
Warm Up (10 Minutes)
4 Minutes 3-5 RPE | 3 Minutes 5-7 RPE | 2 Minutes 7-9 RPE |1 Minute 3-5 RPE
Intervals of Work
2:30  4-5 RPE | 2:00  5-6 RPE | 1:30  6-7 RPE | 1:00  7-8 RPE | :30  9-10 RPE | :30  9-10 RPE | 1:00  7-8 RPE | 1:30  6-7 RPE | 2:00  7-8 RPE |2:30  8-10 RPE
30 Seconds Easy between each interval 
Immediately into
Gradual Cool Down (10 Minutes)
1 Minute  4-5 RPE | 2 Minutes  5-6 RPE | 3 Minutes  6-8 RPE |4 Minutes 3-4 RPE

5 Sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Strength - Deadlift 
Take 90% of your recent max deadlift (330lbs) and that is your working max
Using your working max deadlift
4 sets of 10 reps @ 60%
1 set of 10+ reps @60%

Used trap bar with handles up. 90% of max was 297lbs and 60% of working max was 178lbs. Used 180for the deadlifts. Got 14 reps during the 10+ round. 

Metcon - "Admin"
30 KB swings @ 35lbs
500m row 
25 KB swings @ 35lbs
400m row 
20 KB swings @ 35lbs
300m row 
15 KB swings @ 35lbs
200m row 
10 KB swings @ 35lbs
100m row 

Kept the KB swings unbroken and increased my pace on the rower with each interval. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Row Sprint Ladder 
5x500m // 3:00 rest; 5:00 after last interval
4x400m // 2:30 rest; 5:00 after last interval
3x300m // 2:00 rest; 5:00 after last interval
2x200m // 1:30 rest
100m // done!

The distance and number of intervals decrease which should result in a faster split so try to go negative across all 15 intervals. Increase rate with each set as well. Easy power - let the rate carry you through while holding great technique. Catch and swing, catch and swing...

Accessory Work
5 Rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Get on your Concept 2 -> Press Menu -> Select Workout -> Custom List, and select v2000m/3:00r...
3:00 rest between intervals 

60 second plank
45 medball sit-ups (10#)
30 russian twists (10#)
45 medball sit-ups (10#)
60 second plank

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Crossfit 191013 
4 rounds of Tabata row, bike, ski erg, jump rope, or other monostructural exercise.
Choose one, or mix and match.
Rest 5 minutes between rounds.

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Commit to working for the entire :20 interval rather than trying to hit a particular rep count each round.

Rower: 701m // 48 cals  
Echo Bike: 1.46mi // 52 cals
SkiErg: 651m // 38 cals 
Drag Rope Singles: 211 reps 

My arms were completely smoked coming off the SkiErg making the jump rope torture. Warmed up with DH 10-min build before hitting this piece. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Row Conditioning 
8 Rounds
3:00 @ r24
1:00 @r28
1:00 active rest

More aggressive strokes at pressure supplemented with a minute of active rest to maintain composure. Active rest should keep the heart rate up while allowing you to recover for the next set. No pacing guidelines but r24 should probably be a bit faster. Think 2k plus 20 at r24 and 2k plus 10 at r28.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Row Conditioning 
4x5 minutes on // 3 minutes off
During the rest:
15 plate ground to overhead
30 plate press
15 dead bug kick outs 

Stay between 22-24 spm. I used a 25-pound plate for the off-rower work for the first round but then switched to 15-pound as my shoulders were smoked. Finished with about 25-30 seconds of rest each round. I was struggling to keep the prescribed pace (2k plus 15) and was pulling too much with my arms instead of pushing with my legs. I think my warmup took too much out of me. Drag was set to 118.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Rowing Intervals 
6:00 // 3:00 // 3:00 // 1:00 // 1:00 // 1:00
2:00 rest between each 
Rate: 20

Opened at 2K plus 23 for the six-minute interval.  Nudge up the pace by ~5 seconds for the three minute intervals and then another 5 seconds for EACH of the one-minute intervals. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

5 Rounds
50' sled push @ 222lbs
5 bench press @ 185lbs
:30 echo bike for cals
Rest 2 mins between rounds

Sled push and echo bike intervals for breakfast. My legs and lungs are officially 😅💣🎆. Used three 45lb plates with the sled pushing one lap down the hallway.  There was some built-in rest with the walk to the bike each round, but otherwise move through each round with purpose. Try to keep the bike north of 80rpms for the whole 30 seconds. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Workout 11 - RowErg - The Rhythm Within 
Warm Up  
5 Rounds of 3 Minute Intervals with 20 Second Rest 
Interval 1 - 3 Minute steady state low intensity @ 24
Interval 2 - @24*
Interval 3 - @22*
Interval 4 - @24*
Interval 5 - @26*
*(1min light, 1min moderate, 1min high intensity)
9 Rounds of 1:40 Minute Intervals with 20 Second Rest
Interval 1 - @28
Interval 2 - @26
Interval 3 - @24
Interval 4 - @22
Interval 5 - @20
Interval 6 - @22
Interval 7 - @24
Interval 8 - @26
Interval 9 - @28

Each stroke rate comes with a unique rhythm and ratio even if we keep our intensity steady. Goal is to hit the target cals from Interval 1 on each of the subsequent intervals. So many intervals and so little rest...😳😳

Monday, October 16, 2023

This is 30x1:00 with no rest between intervals. Program the monitor for 1:00 intervals with no rest. 

Warm Up/Workout:
30 Minutes Every Minute we begin a new Interval
*Power increases as the timeframe for power decreases
3 intervals of 10 Seconds at 22 SPM / 50 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 15 Seconds at 22 SPM / 45 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 20 Seconds at 22 SPM / 40 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 25 Seconds at 22 SPM / 35 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 30 Seconds at 22 SPM / 30 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 35 Seconds at 22 SPM / 25 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 40 Seconds at 22 SPM / 20 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 45 Seconds at 22 SPM / 15 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 50 Seconds at 22 SPM / 10 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 55 Seconds at 22 SPM / 5 Seconds at 26 SPM with power

Stay relaxed and focus on changing rate/speed EXACTLY with the same pattern of movement.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Interval Time 
3x 15:00 (4m/1m/4m/1m/4m/1m)
rest 3:00
🎯 2k plus 20 @r20 and 2k plus 15 @ r24
rates 20/24

Nice, easy meters out in the garage this morning. Today is all about control and flexibility. I did not hold the target paces but did bump the speed by 5-7 seconds with each rate change. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Recovery + Midline 
Row 500 meters
50 banded sit-ups
Row 1,000 meters
30 banded sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 banded sit-ups

Treated this as a recovery session. Held the row at a comfortable pace each round and moved purposefully through each set of sit-ups. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Timed Intervals 
2x20 minutes
1 min on //1 min off
24//26//28//30//32 - 2 reps at each rate
Rest for 6 minutes and repeat

Lower the drag factor 7-10 ticks below your normal spot. Keep the legs firing, be quick at the front end and don't worry so much about the split as the rate. Put in a good warmup to get used to the higher rates and get after it. Don't compromise your technique as the rate increases - keep the order of operations.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

5-5-3-3-1-1-1 reps
5: 250lbs
3: 270-290lbs
1: 300-315-330lbs

Used trap bar with handles up. Peeled the 330-pound bar from the floor on the last set - fought for the rep and matched a PR! 
4X20 KB marches
Hold 35lb KB in front rack position. 20 reps with KB on each side equals one set. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Variable Time 
30 mins continuous as: 
15mins @r20
10mins @r22
5mins @r24

Increase pace by 3-4 seconds with each rate bump. I bailed a little more than halfway in due to a coughing fit. Instead I opted to play around of darts and posted a new PR! 

300 Dart Challenge 

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 12:47.6
Score: 14,285 (15,000 is perfect score) 
Distance: 2766m

Monday, October 9, 2023

Row Intervals 
20 cals
40 cals
60 cals
80 cals
100 cals
Rest 2 mins between sets

Held these at a moderate pace using the session to warmup for the MAX WATTS ErgZone challenge. 

3 Rounds 
30 seconds work
2 minutes rest
Score: MAX (highest) WATTS
No rolling start allowed! 

Score: 364 WATTS (1:38.7/500m pace)

You'll reach your MAX somewhere in the first fifteen seconds then back off. 500 WATTS would be a 1:28.8 pace which I have hit for 100m in the past. Continue to play around with DF - the highest WATTS were done at the lowest DF (102) during the last round. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

On the Concept 2: 
3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 4 min, 3 min pyramid / 2 min easy

The plan was to do 8x300m/:30 rest but was held back by my cough. I put in a good warmup and rowed the first interval, but knew it wasn't happening so I pivoted to today's WOD from Concept 2, holding each interval at a moderate pace (143 WATTS).

med ball hollow rocks 
med ball sit-ups 
*hold a 10-pound med ball during both 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

500m row 
30 bench press @ 135-pounds
750m row
20 bench press @ 155-pounds
1000m row
10 bench press @ 185-pounds
1500m row
5 bench press @ 205-pounds

I did not have much to give for this workout. This cough I have been dealing with the past two weeks has limited how hard I am able to push so I kept the rows at an easy-to-moderate pace. Bench was broken up early and often as there is a sneaky high number of reps with this workout. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

ErgZone Challenge #2
Rate: 23
Pace: 2:17.6 (2k plus 20)
DF: 117

The workout is 23 minutes, broken down into 1-minute splits. This one is about consistency at each split. Your goal is to repeat 22 times the same pace/watts and SPM you did on the first split. Think about that perfect screen. Score 1 point for each time the athlete meets the goals set on the first interval. 

Score: 16

This cough is still lingering, making any row that much tougher. I set a pace that would get me to 5000m in the 23 minutes. While I could go faster, this was the right split for today. It is harder than I would have thought to land on that split exactly each round. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Workout 69 - RowErg - Your 24
Warm Up:
2 Minutes Easy @22 then,
10 Minutes Easy @24
At the top of each Minute, Row 10 Hard Strokes @24
Five 4 Minute Intervals
Row 350m @24 Hard
Recovery Row @24 to finish the interval
No Rest between Intervals 

Held around 175 WATTS for the HARD portions and 100-110 for the RECOVERY. Breathing was ragged because of this nagging cough. Define your endpoints at the catch and the drive.

Monday, October 2, 2023

CrossFit | 230930 
15 minutes to build to a heavy single hang power snatch
Power snatch 2-2-2-2-2 at 80%

Best single was 135lbs - doubles were done at 110lbs. Need to more aggressive with the first pull on those singles.