Friday, October 27, 2023

Strength - Deadlift 
Take 90% of your recent max deadlift (330lbs) and that is your working max
Using your working max deadlift
4 sets of 10 reps @ 60%
1 set of 10+ reps @60%

Used trap bar with handles up. 90% of max was 297lbs and 60% of working max was 178lbs. Used 180for the deadlifts. Got 14 reps during the 10+ round. 

Metcon - "Admin"
30 KB swings @ 35lbs
500m row 
25 KB swings @ 35lbs
400m row 
20 KB swings @ 35lbs
300m row 
15 KB swings @ 35lbs
200m row 
10 KB swings @ 35lbs
100m row 

Kept the KB swings unbroken and increased my pace on the rower with each interval. 

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