Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A: Bench Press 
6-6-5-5-4-4 reps
165//180//195//210//225//225lbs (2 reps)

B: Handstand Push-ups
[based on max unbroken set] 
5 unbroken: 4-3-3-2-1
10 unbroken: 9-8-7-6-5
15 unbroken: 12-10-8-6-4

Plan was to follow the 10 unbroken template but I came off the wall after six reps on my first set. Ended up dropping down to the 5 unbroken rep scheme which was too easy. Don't be afraid to try the 10s rep scheme next time out. Remember to ALWAYS press fast. The only time you should press slow out of the bottom is when you are trying to grind out 1 or 2 last reps. 

C: Row Intervals 
3x3mins // rest 1min
rate 24-26
2k plus 14; get faster 
300m for time

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