Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday | 240131 
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
40 Hades rope singles
10 hang power snatches @75lbs

5 full rounds plus 40 singles 

Today’s workout is a fast couplet. Expect your grip to be taxed on both movements. The load of the barbell should be light. Over the course of the workout, the load may even be annoying because you want to put it down, but there is no reason to do so. Push for unbroken rounds and manage your transition times.
Recovery Row 
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Record total meters, best/worst split.

15:00 minutes
3138 meters rowed
Best Split: 2:20.8
Worst Split: 2:30.6

After today's metcon, I just wanted to log some easy meters as part of my cooldown. Turned the damper down to 1 (DF = 85) and kept the stroke rate low (r22). 

3x 1:00 Hollow/Arch Hold (rotate every :30, this should be UB) – rest 90 secs. Arms and legs should not make contact with the ground at any point.
30 unbroken butterfly sit-ups

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 Row 4x 4:15 work /3:15 rest 
*during each rest period, perform one round of the following
10 half-kneeling one arm KB press (each side; 35lb KB)
20 abmat butterfly sit-ups

Intervals 1-2: 24spm @ 2k plus 12
Intervals 3-4: 26spm @ 2k plus 8

Didn't have it this morning and quit after round three. Was able to hit my targets, but got back on the rower with just ten seconds left after kb press and sit-ups and knew I wasn't going to be able to hold the goal pace for round four. Instead I reset and rowed a 1000m cooldown with a final round of kb press and sit-ups afterwards. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Segment 1:  6 rounds of :45 sprint @ r24 // 1:15 light paddle between 
Segment 2:  6x :45 sprint @ r24 // 1:15 light paddle between 

The focus of this workout is to match or beat our effort from the first segment during the second segment. Set the units to WATTS - goal should be to keep all rounds at 200+ WATTS and get faster each round. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

Crossfit | 240115
For load:
Hang Squat Cleans


Today’s goal is to lift something heavy for 2 repetitions across 5 sets. Continue to increase the load across as many sets as possible. Each set of 2 cleans must be completed unbroken and start from above the knee.

Variable Time 
6x 2:30/1:30/1:00
rest 2:30 
rates 20/22/24
2K PB pace plus 20 seconds to start at r20. Increase pace - 3 seconds at r22, further -4 seconds at r24. 

Targets were pretty manageable at these rates. I turned the drag down a bit more than normal (105df). As the rate increases, you want to speed up as well. We do that by putting more force into our stroke, resulting in an accelerated long, powerful rowing stroke that you just keep churning out. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Five rounds, each for time 
20 alternating v-ups
18 calorie row
15 medball squats @ 20-pounds
18 calorie row

Fastest: 4:02 (last round)
Slowest: 4:11 (second round)

Pick a smooth pace that allows you to keep moving without any breaks. As prescribed, the workout calls for db thrusters, not squats, but I didn't have my knee sleeves and wanted to be cautious. Felt pretty good - don't be afraid to try this with light dumbbells (20-25 pounds) next time out. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Row'd Royalty 23.1 
Row 6 intervals of 250 meters with a 45 second rest after each row, then row 1500 meters for time.

Score 23.1 A: Fastest 250 meter row [#5 1:03.7]
Score 23.1 B: Total time, including rest 17:31.1

Rather than going all out for this one, I tried to maintain a steady moderate pace on the 250s (~160 watts) with the goal of holding that same target pace for the 1500m row. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Row Series X - Event 2 - No Time To Die 
Row 6000m
600m splits
No Rest

2A: Fastest 600m 
2B: Slowest 600m 

Did not push myself too hard here, rather I wanted to log some volume and do some stretching to loosen up my low back after this morning's deadlifts. 
Crossfit | 240110
For load:
Build to a 1-rep-max deadlift

5s: 220|250
3s: 275|300
1s: 315|330

You should aim to lift a heavy load relative to your capacity. If you know your best deadlift single, start your first set of 5 at 70-75% or higher and try to add load to as many of the sets as possible. Warmed up on the rower and then worked up to starting weight of 220-pounds with trap bar (handles up). 

Monday, January 22, 2024

Workout 65 - Ride The Wave 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast
Workout 65: (Active Recovery Workout) This rhythmic ride today will have us rolling through waves of intensity at a variety of different rates.  Our focus is off of maximum power, but finding a different way to build up our stroke count. 
Warm Up:
Easy Rowing without Straps @ 20 Strokes per Minute 
Technique Note: The Dollar Bill Trick and Rowing without Straps
100 Strokes* @20 
100 Strokes* @24
100 Strokes* @28
100 Strokes* @24/@28/@32
*Accumulating 100 strokes by 3 Rounds of 10 easy, 10 moderate, 10 hard; finish out the last 10 strokes easy. There is a brief rest period between each 100 strokes (~60-90 seconds).

This was a fun one to row along with and the waves of 10-10-10 made the time go by very quickly. Paying attention to the overall stroke count really helped me dial in at these different rates.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Crossfit | 240120 
For time:
75-calorie row
21 push jerks
75-calorie row
15 push jerks
75-calorie row
9 push jerks
95/125/155 lb


Went with men's RX cals and women's weights. Modified to a push press here since my cycling on the jerk needs some work. Took bar from rack each round. Target is sub 5:30 on the row and complete the push jerks in no more than 3 sets and in under 2 minutes. Should have gone a bit faster on the row - think 5K TT pace. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Row Intervals 
4x12 minutes 
3 minutes rest
DF 123

First Interval: Warmup 
3 mins easy // 2 mins moderate // 1 min easy
3 mins moderate // 2 mins easy // 1 min hard

Second Interval: 12 Rounds
30 seconds at 10 watts above target 
30 seconds at 10 watts below target

Third Interval: 12 Rounds
30 seconds at 20 watts above target 
30 seconds at 10 watts below target

Fourth Interval: 12 Rounds
30 seconds at 30 watts above target 
30 seconds at 10 watts below target

Look at your average watts after your warm-up. This will be your target number for the remainder of the workout. Held a stroke rate of 24 for most of the workout. Applying power while holding the same rate throughout requires you to adjust your ratio. Drive faster and slow down your recovery a bit. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

7 Rounds 
2:00 row @ forever pace
1:30 row @ sustain pace
:30 row @ reach pace
2:00 row @ sustain pace
No rest between rounds - you'll row for 42 minutes straight through. 

Pacing guidelines: 
Forever: The pace at which you could perform the workout if it was an hour long AMRAP or long endurance event.
Sustain: Considering the total volume of the workout, the pace that you could stay at for the entire duration of the workout whether it is a continuous effort or not.
Reach: Considering the total volume of the workout, a faster pace than you would normally perform if it at if it was straight through or an interval style workout.

Monday, January 15, 2024

For Time: 
30..27..24..21..18..15..12..9..6..3 calories rowed
Sled push down hallway between rounds
Heavy AF 
212-pounds (2x45, 1x35 plus sled)

The sled should be TOUGH - you may be able to keep it unbroken, but it will be a grind. Kept all but one round unbroken, but it was a slow and steady march down the hall each time. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Two Rounds: 
1000m row
50 med ball sit-ups @ 14-pounds
500m row
25 v-ups

Push the pace on the row a bit - somewhere between moderate and hard. Be smart on the midline work. It may be more efficient to break earlier than you normally would so that you don't need as much time to recover between large sets. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

6:00 work // 3:00 rest 
Each 6 minute interval is broken down into:
2 minutes @22 light
3 minutes @24 moderate
1 minute @28 hard

Interval 1 is a test row where we set ourselves a base. Use the ReRow function and the Pace Boat screen on the Performance Monitor to help motivate our effort in Interval 2 and Interval 3. Moderate should be 2 to 5 seconds faster than Light and Hard another 2 to 5 seconds faster than Moderate.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Workout 20 - RowErg - Four Squared For Power 
Reaching into the depths of our potential through 16 effective one minute intervals.  Hard work pays off...exponentially.
Warm Up:
4 Minute guided formal Warm Up with some power pieces for strength 
16 X 1 Minute of Work Intervals
(1 Minute of Rest in between)
Set 1:  4 Intervals @ 22
Set 2:  4 Intervals @ 24
Set 3:  4 Intervals @ 26
Set 4:  4 Intervals @ 28
Details of each set, we will dial in our comfort with the new stroke rate.  The last 3 intervals of each set, we aim to maximize the number of calories we can accumulate in that minute.  The ultimate goal is to maintain or increase the number of calories accumulated in each minute all the way through the workout.  (Effort is an 8 or 9 on the RPE Scale*)

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A: 21-15-9 reps of: 
Deadlift @ 155lbs
150m farmers carry in between rounds 2x35lbs

B: Row Conditioning
2 minutes warmup
7 minutes @ r19
3 minutes @ r22
7 minutes @ r19
3 minutes @ r22
2 minutes cooldown

This workout is going to tax your grip in several different ways. Prescribed weights were 185/125 for deadlift and 53/35 for farmers walk. The deadlifts should be a weight you can complete with just one break, if needed, and the farmers walk should border on the challenging to hold unbroken each round. I broke the deadlifts during the set of 21 but all other work was unbroken. For the row, keep relaxed and focus on changing speed with EXACTLY the same pattern of movement. It's all about control and flexibility. Be confident and enjoy. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

DF 108

Was short on time this morning, this was just what I needed - 20 minutes and a good sweat 😅😅

Saturday, January 6, 2024

6x 4mins // 1 min rest
Interval 1: Warmup
Interval 2: Power 5 @ top of each minute
Interval 3: Power 10 @ top of each minute
Interval 4: Full Power
Interval 5: Power 10 @ top of each minute
Interval 6: Power 5 @ top of each minute
Interval 7: Cooldown

2 rounds, not for time:
10 hollow rocks, 10 second hollow hold, 10 alt. v-ups, 10 second hollow hold

Friday, January 5, 2024

Workout 8 - RowErg - Power Pyramid 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Warm Up (12 Minutes) Test the Waters
4 X 2:30 Work Intervals with :30 Rest in between
1 Min @ 22, 1 Min @ 24, 30 Secs @ 26
1 Min @ 24, 1 Min @ 26, 30 Secs @ 28
1 Min @ 26, 1 Min @ 28, 30 Secs @ 30
1 Min @ 28, 1 Min @ 30, 30 Secs @ 32

Workout (28 Minutes) Power Pyramid
14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between
2:00 // 1:45 // 1:30 // 1:15 // 1:00 // 0:45 // 0:30 // 0:30 // 0:45 // 1:00 / 1:15 // 1:30 // 1:45 // 2:00
Rate: 24
DF: 118

Best technique you can, find your rhythm, stay relaxed, squeeze on the POWER as the rest increases, accept the discomfort and enjoy the row. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

For Time: 
 4000 meter row*
*At the 8min mark, do 10 burpees
At the 13min mark, do 10 burpees
At the 17min mark, do 10 burpees
At the 20min mark, do 10 burpees
At the 23min mark, do 10 burpees
At the 26min mark, do 10 burpees
Time Cap: 29 minutes

Score: 25:38

Duration: Long
Feel: Conditioning
Pacing: Sustain

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

1250 Meter (Comfortable) Row
Rest 90 Seconds
3 Rounds
125 Meter (Easy) Row
125 Meter (Sprint) Row
1 Minute Active Rest/Walk
(No Rest Between Rounds)
1000 Meter (Hard) Row
3 Rounds
125 Meter (Easy) Row
125 Meter (Sprint) Row
1 Minute Active Rest/Walk
(No Rest Between Rounds)
1250 Meter (Comfortable) Row

Take this workout one section at a time, and focus on hitting the proper pacing. The opening "Comfortable" interval should be at a completely sustainable pace where you could hold a conversation - but more difficult than "Easy". It is important that you SPRINT during the 3 Round sections. The middle/longer interval is the bread and butter of this workout. You will be pre-fatigued from both the longer interval and the sprints. Push the pace but stay in control. This should not be all out. "Comfortable" interval at the end should be the same pace as the one in the beginning - however will feel a little "less" comfortable by that point.

Score: First 1250 Meter Comfortable Row [6:05.8]
Score: 1000 Meter Hard Row [4:12.2]
Score: Second 1250 Meter Comfortable Row [5:59.0]

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Jan 2024 CTC 
Row six intervals of 250m at 20 (or fewer) strokes per minute
Rest one minute
Record the 250m result for your slowest interval

Score: 1:59.4 (1st and 2nd interval)

Turn the drag up and let 'er rip! This should be a controlled max effort with my goal of keeping each interval above 200W.