Wednesday, January 3, 2024

1250 Meter (Comfortable) Row
Rest 90 Seconds
3 Rounds
125 Meter (Easy) Row
125 Meter (Sprint) Row
1 Minute Active Rest/Walk
(No Rest Between Rounds)
1000 Meter (Hard) Row
3 Rounds
125 Meter (Easy) Row
125 Meter (Sprint) Row
1 Minute Active Rest/Walk
(No Rest Between Rounds)
1250 Meter (Comfortable) Row

Take this workout one section at a time, and focus on hitting the proper pacing. The opening "Comfortable" interval should be at a completely sustainable pace where you could hold a conversation - but more difficult than "Easy". It is important that you SPRINT during the 3 Round sections. The middle/longer interval is the bread and butter of this workout. You will be pre-fatigued from both the longer interval and the sprints. Push the pace but stay in control. This should not be all out. "Comfortable" interval at the end should be the same pace as the one in the beginning - however will feel a little "less" comfortable by that point.

Score: First 1250 Meter Comfortable Row [6:05.8]
Score: 1000 Meter Hard Row [4:12.2]
Score: Second 1250 Meter Comfortable Row [5:59.0]

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