Recovery Row
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Record total meters, best/worst split.
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Record total meters, best/worst split.
15:00 minutes
3138 meters rowed
Best Split: 2:20.8
Worst Split: 2:30.6
After today's metcon, I just wanted to log some easy meters as part of my cooldown. Turned the damper down to 1 (DF = 85) and kept the stroke rate low (r22).
3x 1:00 Hollow/Arch Hold (rotate every :30, this should be UB) – rest 90 secs. Arms and legs should not make contact with the ground at any point.
30 unbroken butterfly sit-ups
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