Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A: 21-15-9 reps of: 
Deadlift @ 155lbs
150m farmers carry in between rounds 2x35lbs

B: Row Conditioning
2 minutes warmup
7 minutes @ r19
3 minutes @ r22
7 minutes @ r19
3 minutes @ r22
2 minutes cooldown

This workout is going to tax your grip in several different ways. Prescribed weights were 185/125 for deadlift and 53/35 for farmers walk. The deadlifts should be a weight you can complete with just one break, if needed, and the farmers walk should border on the challenging to hold unbroken each round. I broke the deadlifts during the set of 21 but all other work was unbroken. For the row, keep relaxed and focus on changing speed with EXACTLY the same pattern of movement. It's all about control and flexibility. Be confident and enjoy. 

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