Friday, March 29, 2019

3-Position Power Snatch
On the 2:00 x 6 Sets:
Wave #1...
 Set #1 - 60%
 Set #2 - 64%
 Set #3 - 68%
 Wave #2...
 Set #4 - 60%
 Set #5 - 64%
 Set #6 - 68%

All percentages based off estimated current 1RM Power Snatch (155lbs). Two waves, climbing by 4% each set. Aim is to keep the loading on the lighter side as we dial in technique today. De-load week intensities.

"Inner Tube"
KB Snatches (35)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Short on time and wanted to get moving after having been parked in a chair all day with PMP prep.

1000m SkiErg
-2 Minute Rest-
12x :30/rest :30 at goal pace for 1000m ski (2:00:0)

1000m: 4:19.3
:30/:30r:  1472m (averaged 2:02.2/500m)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

10-1 snatches (115lbs)
10 calories SkiErg between each set

Notes: While not for time, move with purpose. It can be easy to take longer rests on the snatch, especially in the early sets. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Bench Press 6x4
-Use a load that is comfortable and can maintain good form
-Complete on the two minutes


Notes: Failed the 240lb bar -- was only able to get 3 reps on that set. 

7 rounds for time:
50lb shoulder press, 21 reps
back extensions, 21 reps

Notes: Focus on excellent mechanics and keeping the midline engaged throughout every portion of the press. Keep legs and torso rigid for each rep of the press and strive to complete each set in 1-2 efforts. I used 50lb fixed weight barbell due to availability. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

5 rounds for time of:
1 sub-0:45 250-m row
50 unbroken double-unders

Notes: Notes: I scaled to sub-0:50 and 75 heavy rope singles. If the row takes longer than allotted time or if you trip up on your single unders, redo that segment before moving back to the other exercise. Due to time constraints, took a 5 burpee penalty to be paid at the end of the workout instead of redoing.

Row was 49.7, 50.5, 49.7, 50.5 and 50.8 and jump rope was unbroken each round. Took liberal rest periods each round to ensure I could maintain needed intensity on the rows. Total time was 17:26 for this workout. This was done at Jennersville cardio room -- damper at 8 and drag 152.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Active Recovery
21:00 recovery assault bike
*Every 3:00, complete:
30 singles
1 d-ball clean

Midline Conditioning
2 Rounds:
4:00 d-ball hold
1:00 hollow hold

Not for score, but... moving with a purpose here. These are totals, and do not need to be completed unbroken. Accumulate the total on the d-ball, before moving onto the hollow hold. Same applies there before returning back for the second round.
Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps
Practice slow descent from handstand for 20 minutes
5 x 275
3 x 295, 305
1 x 315, 315, 315
Notes: Used the deadlift session from Feb-24 as a guideline for loading. My back was sore from 8 minutes of d-ball holds yesterday afternoon so I did not push it on the deadlifts.
I opted to practice frog hold for 20 minutes in place of the handstand descent. Wore wrist wraps and tried to hold each attempt between 20-30 seconds.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Wednesday 190320
A: Hang power clean 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps


Notes: Start with heavier bar for set of 5 (155lbs). Picked up the bar at 205lbs for my last single attempt, but could tell it wasn't goign to happen so I dropped down to the 185lb bar.

B: Midline 2 rounds, not for time:
10 hollow rocks, 0:10 hollow hold, 10 v-ups, 0:10 hollow hold

Notes: The longer you can go through the sequence without resting the better result you'll have. I was able to finish both sets unbroken.

C: Practice front and back scales for 10 minutes

Notes: A challenging goal for the front scale will be to lift the leg to a height that is, approximately, parallel to the floor. For the back scale, attempt to hing at the hips to a range of motion where the torso and back leg are nearly parallel to the floor and allows for straight body lines and straight legs. Work to complete in :15 second increments. Once this is consistent, scale up to :30 seconds and so on and so forth.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Row'd Royalty 18.4
1:00 on/3:00 off  (268m)
2:00 on/2:00 off  (533m)
3:00 on/1:00 off  (756m)
4:00 on/done  (999m)
A: Total meters of 1 min & 2 min (801m)
B: Total meters of 3 min & 4 min (1755m)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Bike 10,000 meters
19:10 RX Assault Bike

Notes: This was more of a recovery ride as legs were sore from high volume thrusters from yesterday. I watched an episode of The Office on my phone as I rode and averaged just 51 RPM. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

27-21-15-9 reps of:
calories, SkiErg
EMOM 10:
5 snatches (75)
At the 10:00 minute mark, AMRAP snatches in :30 seconds

Notes: SkiErg was completed at about 950 cals/hour.
Crossfit Open Workout 15.5

27-21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row (calories)

Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb. 

Used Rx'd womens weight. Pulled at 2:00/500m pace.