Friday, March 22, 2019

Wednesday 190320
A: Hang power clean 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps


Notes: Start with heavier bar for set of 5 (155lbs). Picked up the bar at 205lbs for my last single attempt, but could tell it wasn't goign to happen so I dropped down to the 185lb bar.

B: Midline 2 rounds, not for time:
10 hollow rocks, 0:10 hollow hold, 10 v-ups, 0:10 hollow hold

Notes: The longer you can go through the sequence without resting the better result you'll have. I was able to finish both sets unbroken.

C: Practice front and back scales for 10 minutes

Notes: A challenging goal for the front scale will be to lift the leg to a height that is, approximately, parallel to the floor. For the back scale, attempt to hing at the hips to a range of motion where the torso and back leg are nearly parallel to the floor and allows for straight body lines and straight legs. Work to complete in :15 second increments. Once this is consistent, scale up to :30 seconds and so on and so forth.


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