Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A: 7 minutes to complete Strict Press:
15 @ 80lbs
15 @ 95lbs
AMRAP @ 110lbs
Rest 3 minutes

B:  7minutes to complete Box StepUps (24-inch box)
15 @ BW
15 @ 20lbs KB each hand
AMRAP @ 35lbs KB each hand
Rest 3 minutes

C: 7 minutes to complete Power Cleans:
15 @ 105lbs
15 @ 145lbs 
AMRAP @ 165lbs 

A: 56 reps
B: 44 reps 
C: 33 reps

Notes: Bar must be taken from the ground. Workout as written has front squats, not step ups but my wrist was killing me when I picked up the bar so I opted for weights step ups instead. 

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