Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Row Series V - Event 4 - Blazing Paddles 
Row 2000m
Rest 5 minutes
Row 1500m
Rest 4 minutes
Row 1000m
Rest 3 minutes
Row 500m
4A: 2000m time (8:13.7)
4B: Total time (20:19.5)

Monday, March 29, 2021

Row Series VI - Event 2 - The Ghan
Row 4321m
Rest 30 seconds
Row 1234m 

2A: 4321m time: 19:09.2
2B: Total time: 25:01.0

Notes: I didn't program this in the rower ahead of time, instead hitting 'just row' and hitting 'menu' again when I hit the target distance, so times are not exact. Held low rate (20) and low drag (115) while watching Modern Family on Hulu. Pace was 2:12.2/500m. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

AMRAP 18 Minutes
12 Calorie Row
Rest 2:30
Pacing: Send

This was pulled from rerow archives after stopping a longer effort. Did not stay within the 18 min time cap, instead pulled 7 rounds of 12 calories with 2:30 rest between. For a workout like this the drag needs to be set higher (was only 105 today). All rounds from last time doing this in December were faster than my fastest effort today (:27.3 final round). 

Friday, March 26, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 09 | 02/21/2021
Row Version:
2 Rounds
Row 1500 Meters - Moderate
Row 500 Meters - 95% EFFORT
Row 750 Meters - Moderate
Rest 3 Min 

Idea here is to learn how to SPRINT under fatigue and then recover from the hard effort while still rowing. Score is total time including rest!

SCORE: 27:10.5

Moderate here means sustainable and not really too uncomfortable. Faster than a jog for sure, but comfortable. Utilize a sit-and-kick strategy as if you were running a race. During the 500, think of if you were in a race and needed to pass someone! The moderate efforts needed to be a little faster for me -- a good reference for pacing is 2K+10 (mod) 2K or faster (sprint) and 2K+20 for the easy rounds.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between
2:00 / 1:45 / 1:30 / 1:15 / 1:00 / 0:45 / 0:30 / 0:30 / 0:45 / 1:00 / 1:15 / 1:30 / 1:45 / 2:00

Each two minute interval that passes, we will increase the amount of rest by 0:15 seconds, until we reach the interval with 0:30 seconds work. At that point, we will gradually decrease the amount of each rest interval by 0:15 seconds until we get back to the 2:00 work interval. As the time of work decreases, we will work to increase the amount of power (in watts). 

Rowed along with the podcast which has been great to stay focused and pick up cues and intent. Held the rate at 24 throughout this workout, power should come from a strong push at the drive rather than speeding up your stroke. Focus on the handle and seat moving together out of the catch position. 

Time: 17:30.0
Distance: 4304 meters
Watts (average): 193 
Pace (per 500m): 2:01.9

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Today was a scheduled rest day, but the weather has been so nice I wanted to get some barbell work in. 

On the 1:30 X 5 @ 155 pounds
1 power clean
1 strict press
2 push press
3 push jerk

Monday, March 22, 2021

ENDURANCE | WEEK 52 | 12/20/2020
Row Version
Row 1000 Meters - Moderate
Rest 3 Min
Row 1000 Meters - Easy
Rest 3 Min
Row 1000 Meters - Moderate
Rest 3 Min
Straight into:
4 Rounds
Row 150 Meters - Sprint
Row 150 Meters - SLOOOW

Score: Total Time (17:29.3)


Notes: Need to be a little faster on the moderate 1000's -- these should be sub four minutes. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

4 Rounds
15 DB bench press
15 abmat butterfly sit-ups
36 calorie row


You're shooting for each round to take between 3:15 and 4:00. Kept the row around 950-1000 cals/hour rate which was a little slower than expected (fastest round was 2:06 and slowest 2:18). The bench and sit-ups were done unbroken each round and transitions were pretty clean (did not lock feet in the straps each round to save time getting on/off the rower). 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

For max meters, each minute. Rest as needed, each minute. Rest as needed (up to 5 mins) between efforts. The goal (beyond work) is to simply improve distance each time. Faster stroke rates should ALWAYS equal faster splits. 

This is a lot of volume - I didn't complete the last two rounds as I thought I was maxed out (while keeping good technique) at 36. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

21:00 Steady State
6:00 @ 2K+20
5:00 @ 2K+18
4:00 @ 2K+16
3:00 @ 2K+14
2:00 @ 2K+12
1:00 @ 2K+10

You're pulling one long piece with a gradual step up in both pace and rate. It starts pretty mellow but finishes nice and spicy. Used 1:57/500 as my starting point and enjoyed an episode of Modern Family while I completed today's effort. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
135-145-155-165-175-180(1)-165 pounds

Done at No Excuses, bar taken from the ground each set. My arms are still sore from the 100 supine rows on Sunday. Below is the video from 180-pound fail. Compare to 191112 and 201123

Monday, March 15, 2021

Warm Up 
5 minutes with increasing rate and intensity
Segment 1:  8 Rounds of 20 Second Sprints @28 with 10 Seconds Rest in between
~2 Minute BREAK
Segment 2:  4 Rounds of 40 Second Sprints @28 with 20 Seconds Rest in between
~2 Minute BREAK
Segment 3:  2 Rounds of 60 Second Sprints @28 with 30 Seconds Rest in between
I was surprised that I was able to hold a higher average watts on the :60 rounds than the :20 rounds,  probably because it took a few seconds to settle into the target stroke rate. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

For Time:
100 Supine Rows
EMOM 15 double unders, start at 0:00


Used the middle height pull-up bar at Hopewell Elementary. Did singles at double the volume using the heavy rope to make this workout even more "grippy". 

Friday, March 12, 2021

On a 16 minute clock:
Row 140 calories (120 if using assault bike)
AMRAP in remaining time
20 push-ups
12 v-ups

SCORE: 3 Full + 8 Push-ups

Don't go out too hot on the row - I held a 2k+:10 pace at a low rate (23). Finished the 140 cals in 9:22 while watching I Think You Should Leave on my phone. Try to keep the rounds at 1:40 or less. Break the push-ups early (10/10) and don't let yourself go to failure. My goal was to finish 4 full rounds which is certainly doable with a slightly faster pace on the rower. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

'Hermione Danger'
9 Rounds
Row 250m 
9 Sandbag Cleans (100)


Don't do the math on this one from @misfitathletics, instead worry about finding a sustainable pace to hold through both movements for what will end up being a long grind. This is a great effort to build your long-slow engine. I was WIPED from yesterday's long row and had no push for this one. This was by far the most sandbag cleans I have done in a single workout. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Total Time: 52:30 
Total Calories: 417
Total Distance: 6517m 

This is a tough one to set up on the monitor. I ended up just plugging in the intervals as written and then keeping mental note of where I was with calories. This did not allow me to see total calories and I did not connect to erg data app either. Target was 400 calories, but I ended up going over and hit 417 total. I hit 400 calories during my last round of :30, about :15 in. Total time for 400 calories was right around 50:15. Held just under 1000 cals/hour pace throughout, but sped up to over 1100 cals for the second time through the round of :30s. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

15:00 Recovery Assault Bike
On the 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00: 15 abmat butterfly sit-ups

Notes: Before bed last night I pulled a muscle in mid to upper back while changing. Woke up and was still pretty stiff so I treated this as a #morethannothing effort designed to get me moving (50 RPM average). Did some mobility work designed to unlock my back afterwards. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Street Parking Endurance | Week 11 | Mar 07
Row Version:
4 Rounds (Each Round is 8 Min including Rest)
2 Min ON @ Moderate/Fast Pace (0:00-2:00)
20 Sec OFF (2:00-2:20)
90 Sec ON @ Fast Pace (2:20-3:50)
20 Sec OFF (3:50-4:10)
1 Min On @ Faster Pace (4:10-5:10)
20 Sec OFF (5:10-5:30)
30 Sec ON @ Sprint (5:30-6:00)
Rest 2 Min
Score is average distance per round. Goal is to maintain it!

SCORE: 1243m 

To find your score, add up the total distance from all 4 rounds then divide that number by 4.
Go ALL OUT on those sprints and pretty damn hard on the 1 Min Fast pace too.
Goal is to try to maintain same distance traveled for each round.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Row Conditioning
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Record total meters, best/worst split.

15:00 minutes
3654 meters rowed 
Best Split: 1:56.2 (damper 9, 30 s/m)
Worst Split: 2:09.5 (damper 2, 28 s/m)

Notes: Followed along with As The Flywheel Spins Workout 55 which put a twist on this workout with damper and rate change each interval. I held the target rate on all but the last three intervals (27, 29 and 29 respectively) -- see results here.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

EMOM 16:
Min 1: 20 second plank hold + 3 push jerks
Min 2: 8 v-ups + 4 power cleans
No specific suggested weights for this version as your score is the weight you choose. 

Score: 119 pounds

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

This is the NINTH workout in the Street Parking Vault Challenge. Although these are both strong movements for me, I have been dealing with some interior knee pain (right knee) the last few weeks (since Hypnos vault WOD) and wanted to be cautious so I opted for lighter weight on the barbell. Use 95-pounds if you retest. The first and last rounds of squat cleans were done unbroken - the first round because I am stubborn and the last because I could see the finish line. 

Score: 9:05 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Row Series VII - Event 1 - Dead Man's Chest 
My goal coming in was to keep all rounds under 20 seconds. The first 10 weren't so bad, but that second 10 though...👿💀. Pretty happy overall although this is not one I am eager to repeat anytime soon. 

1A: Fastest 100m: 19.6 (3rd & 5th rounds)
1B: Total Time: 6:40.7
Drag Factor: 153