Sunday, March 7, 2021

Street Parking Endurance | Week 11 | Mar 07
Row Version:
4 Rounds (Each Round is 8 Min including Rest)
2 Min ON @ Moderate/Fast Pace (0:00-2:00)
20 Sec OFF (2:00-2:20)
90 Sec ON @ Fast Pace (2:20-3:50)
20 Sec OFF (3:50-4:10)
1 Min On @ Faster Pace (4:10-5:10)
20 Sec OFF (5:10-5:30)
30 Sec ON @ Sprint (5:30-6:00)
Rest 2 Min
Score is average distance per round. Goal is to maintain it!

SCORE: 1243m 

To find your score, add up the total distance from all 4 rounds then divide that number by 4.
Go ALL OUT on those sprints and pretty damn hard on the 1 Min Fast pace too.
Goal is to try to maintain same distance traveled for each round.

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