Monday, January 31, 2022

Speed work ⚡
5x 250m
Rest 2.5 mins between each
Rate Open
DF 125
🎯 2K minus 6, or faster

These should be controlled sprints aiming for consistency. Warmed up with DH 10-minute build before hitting this piece. These were paced almost perfectly. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

10 mins @ 2:30 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:25 r19
rest 2:00
5 mins @ 2:20 r20
rest 1:30
2.5 mins @ 2:15 r21

This was meant to be an easy recovery effort after all of the shoveling yesterday.  Finished with some stretching to help unlock the lower back.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Street Parking Program C -- 01/28/2022 
12 Minute AMRAP 
250 Meter Row
16 V-Up

Score: 5 Full Rounds + 3 V-Ups
Goal: 6-8 Rounds

To hit this goal, you'll need to complete each round in 1:30 - 2:00. Pushed the pace on the row to keep below a minute during each interval. Broke the v-ups from the start, although these took a bit longer than needed. These should be done in about 45 seconds to allow for transition times while keeping each round under 2:00. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Row Series X - Event 3 
Row 5 minutes
Rest 4 minutes
Row 3 minutes

3A: 5 minute distance (1233m)
3B: 3 minute distance (756m)

This was done on the machine at the WC Y. My knees felt weak and my arms heavy coming into this, but mostly happy with how I performed although I can definitely go a little faster. To hit 1300m for the five-minute test, you'll need to hold a 1:55 pace. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Crossfit | 180621 
Bike 10,000 meters


Used the Rogue Echo bike at the Y. This was designed to be a recovery session followed by some mobility work. I kept the RPMs steady around 53-55 before picking up the pace with about 2500 meters remaining. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Variable Timed Intervals 
1: 5:00 // 3:00 // 1:00
2: 4:00 // 3:00 // 2:00
3: 3:00 // 3:00 // 3:00
Rest 3 to 6 minutes between intervals 
Rate: 18 // 22 // 26
DF 117

These are 3x 9 minute continuous sets with rate increases along the way. As written, start r18 reps at 2k plus 19-20 seconds and increase pace at least -4 seconds from previous rate increase. Started slower as this was a recovery piece done watching The Office, but tried to make jumps of ~9-10 seconds with each rate increase. 
A. Warmup 
15 minutes steady state row
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm
DF 116

B. For Load
Bench Press 
5 sets x 7 reps
Rest 3:00 between sets

C. EMOM 12:00
Minute 1: 30-second support hold
Minute 2: Rest

Only lift what your form allows - keep your standards high and only add weight if you are satisfied. The first set was done at 185-pounds and all remaining sets at 195-pounds. Used parallel dip bars for the support holds  Focus on open hips and full body extension rather than looking down or holding a hollow body position. These got tough quick and I quit after the 3rd set. Similar to handstand pushups, when they are gone, they're gone. Instead of quitting, switch to toe-assisted holds. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Street Parking Wednesday 01/12/2022 
4 Rounds
250 Meter Ski
12 Double Kettlebell Push Press (35-pounds)
18 Alternating Sandbag Back Rack Lunge (52.5-pounds)
250 Meter Ski
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Quit after just two rounds as I was struggling to get my breath -- still recovering from that nasty cold and not all the way back yet. Probably could have pushed through but it would have been VERY SLOW. I warmed up prior to this effort with 11 minutes on the rower and felt good going into it, but was struggling from the onset. Not being fully recovered from this cold had an impact, but I also need to fold in more metcon-style workouts to my training. I am spending ALL of my time on the rower and need a little more variety in my training so I am not so wiped by these workouts. 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Recovery Row 
15 minutes steady state
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm
DF 117

Let the rate carry you through this one without pushing too hard here. Was able to find my magic number at a damper of four -- cleaning the flywheel last week definitely made a difference. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Street Parking 52 Week Endurance: Session 1
2000 Meter (Hard) Row 
Rest 5 Minutes
2000 Meter (Hard) Row
DF 124

Ideally you will get a similar time for both efforts. Don't treat the first one like an all out time trial - but hold a pace that is pretty uncomfortable and not sustainable for much longer. Warmed up with DarkHorse 10 Minute Build (2138m). These were slower than I hoped for -- 8:05 or 8:10 is doable for both. Too much of a drop between intervals as well. This should be done coming off a rest day, not at the end of a week of hard effort on the rower. When you re-test try this at home instead of the Y. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Row Intervals
3 Rounds 
8 minutes work // 2 minutes rest
Switch between a stroke rate of 20 and 24 every 2 minutes
In round 3 start at 24 instead of 20

DF 125
🎯 2K plus 12

Ideally you'll maintain the same pace during both the 20&24 rate changes. This ended up being a little slower than I'd like and there was too much of a gap between my pace at each rate. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Row Conditioning 
2 minutes rest
Rate: 20
Pace: 2k plus 15 seconds
Drag: 120
Push rate and speed by 2 each interval 

5 Sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

I cried uncle after just three rounds. Midline conditioning needs to improve. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Row Conditioning 
Part One:
Single Distance
Rate 22 
Sub-max effort at the rate. Aim for ~2k plus 12 or better. 

Part Two:
100m for time
7 minutes active recovery (continue rowing during this time)
1 minute max distance

Increased the drag from 120 to 134 for part two. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Row Conditioning 
3x 12 minutes as follows:
3:00 @ r19 
1:00 @ r22
3:00 @ r19
1:00 @ r22
3:00 @ r19
1:00 @ r22
2:00 rest between sets

You'll alternate between 3:00 @ r19 steady with 1:00 @ r22 at least 5 seconds faster than the steady-state pace. Try to push the speed to an uncomfortable pace during the one-minute blocks before settling back to your steady-state rhythm for another block of three minutes. Used ErgZone app to program this workout -- recommended splits were 2:16.5 (3:00) and 2:09.5 (1:00). I wasn't able to maintain the target pace during the 3:00 minute blocks. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

On The Concept 2 
Rate Controlled Session 
Four Rounds
Four Minutes Work, Four Minutes Rest

Each interval will follow a specific pattern on the minute: 

🎯 1000m each interval
DF 117

Used the first set as a warmup keeping the same 18/20/22/26 rate jumps. Fell short of my target pace, need to generate more power with the legs especially at the lower rates. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Descent
Row 500m in 2:00//2:26 (men//women)
2 minutes rest
Row 500m in 1:58//2:24
2 minutes rest
Row 500m in 1:56//2:22
2 minutes rest

Go as far as possible, reducing your 500m time by 2 seconds each round.  Still not 100% after that cold so I decided to test myself with the women's standard. For women, 2:10 is a good time, 2:02 is an excellent time and 1:48 is exceptional. If you try this again, split the difference and start at 2:13 and go down from there. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

300 Dart Challenge 

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 13:52.2
Score: 11,245 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2910m

I am still getting over this cold and started and stopped a few different times before settling here. I wanted to focus on 'feeling' the target rate/speed without looking at the monitor. Listen to the flywheel to help stay on track, 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Workout 81 - RowErg - The Brave, The Mighty and The Wise
6x 4 minutes work // 1 minute rest 
DF 118

Interval 1: Warmup
Interval 2: Power 5 @ top of each minute
Interval 3: Power 10 @ top of each minute
Interval 4: Full Power
Interval 5: Power 10 @ top of each minute
Interval 6: Power 5 @ top of each minute

Still feeling the effects of this cold and it had an effect on my breathing during some of the harder intervals.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Row Conditioning  
5 x 1500m / 1 min easy
DF 112

Still on the back half of a bad cold, but I wanted to sweat it out this morning with some EASY, low rate meters. Focus on keeping good technique at these low rates (release position at 11 o'clock and a fluid catch). 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Row Intervals 
8 x 4 minutes // 1 minute rest between
DF 120 

I woke up with a sore throat this morning, but I wanted to log some meters since I missed yesterday because of the snow.  I kept these at a relaxed pace and rate for the most part. While this was not a goal going in, but as I went along I tried to hold negative splits. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Row Series IX - Event 4 - That'll Do Erg, That'll Do
Row 777m - Rest 70 seconds
Row 666m - Rest 60 seconds
Row 555m - Rest 50 seconds
Row 444m - Rest 40 seconds
Row 333m - Rest 30 seconds
Row 222m - Rest 20 seconds
Row 111m

4A: 777m time (3:08.2)
4B: Total time (12:22.4)

I sat down with the intention to do 3 x 10 minutes @ 30 minute goal pace (2:08.5) with 5 minutes rest between each. Hit the first 10 minute block on target but I was not ready for that kind of sustained suffering for two more intervals 💀. This effort from Row Series was a 'good' compromise and I was nice and toasty after the 10 minute 'warmup'. Focused on total time with the goal of negative splits. Didn't look ahead of time to see you were being scored on the initial 777m or would have tried to hold that at 2K or better splits. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Row Conditioning 
21 minutes with rate increase
Row a single 21 minute piece. The first six minutes @ 20 spm. Then five minutes @ 22 spm, four @ 24, three @ 26, two @ 28 and one @ 30.

This came courtesy of Concept2's workout of the day. Let the rate carry me through each interval. Drag was at 118. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Workout 88 - RowErg - High-Water Mark  
Warm up into Workout
3 X 9 Minute Intervals / 3 Minute Rest 
Round 1: Warm Up to understand Format
Round 2: Practice Stroke Rates for Performance 
Round 3: Full Test
Format of each Interval:
2 Minutes Easy/Moderate Intensity 
1 Minute Maximum Intensity (Peak Watts) 
6 Minutes moving from Complete Active Recovery back up to Maximum Intensity for at least 2 strokes.
I saw 258 WATTS on round 3 during the 1:00 MAX piece (r31). The goal is to generate max watts over the full minute while staying under control and then recover -- while still rowing -- to be able to hit that again towards the end of the 9:00 interval. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

It was 60 degrees and humid on first day of 2022 so I decided to take advantage and get out in the garage for a quick row. Followed along with this DarkHorse vid. Warmed up with some strapless rowing then the main workout alternated between full strokes and also some drill work. Kept the drag lower than normal (101) at my 5K pace for the 10 minutes. 

10:00 - 9:00: r18 
9:00 - 8:00: r20
8:00 - 7:00: r22
7:00 - 6:00: Pause Drill - Arms & Body
6:00 - 5:00: r24
5:00 - 4:00: Pause Drill - Body Only
4:00 - 3:00: r26
3:00 - 2:00: Two Part Pause Drill - Arms Then Body
2:00 - 0:00: r28