Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A. Warmup 
15 minutes steady state row
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm
DF 116

B. For Load
Bench Press 
5 sets x 7 reps
Rest 3:00 between sets

C. EMOM 12:00
Minute 1: 30-second support hold
Minute 2: Rest

Only lift what your form allows - keep your standards high and only add weight if you are satisfied. The first set was done at 185-pounds and all remaining sets at 195-pounds. Used parallel dip bars for the support holds  Focus on open hips and full body extension rather than looking down or holding a hollow body position. These got tough quick and I quit after the 3rd set. Similar to handstand pushups, when they are gone, they're gone. Instead of quitting, switch to toe-assisted holds. 

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