Monday, January 24, 2022

Street Parking Wednesday 01/12/2022 
4 Rounds
250 Meter Ski
12 Double Kettlebell Push Press (35-pounds)
18 Alternating Sandbag Back Rack Lunge (52.5-pounds)
250 Meter Ski
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Quit after just two rounds as I was struggling to get my breath -- still recovering from that nasty cold and not all the way back yet. Probably could have pushed through but it would have been VERY SLOW. I warmed up prior to this effort with 11 minutes on the rower and felt good going into it, but was struggling from the onset. Not being fully recovered from this cold had an impact, but I also need to fold in more metcon-style workouts to my training. I am spending ALL of my time on the rower and need a little more variety in my training so I am not so wiped by these workouts. 

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