Monday, June 26, 2023

Workout 42 - RowErg - Hindsight 
Two 10 Minute intervals @20 with 3 Minutes Rest in Between
First Interval 
3 Minutes Easy
4 Minutes Moderate
3 Minutes Hard
3 Minutes Rest
Second Interval
3 Minutes Moderate
4 Minutes Hard
3 Minutes Moderate

Set units to watts, leaving yourself room to make some jumps between each level of intensity. There was not enough of a difference here between moderate and hard. Target should be 128 watts for easy, 143 for moderate intervals and 158 for hard. The gym was so humid today that it was hard to push myself to any level of intensity. Stroke is two parts, drive and recovery, those two are not connected. When you row at lower ratings, you keep a firm/strong drive and slow down the recovery part. You are slowing down the whole motion.

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