Monday, July 31, 2023

Workout 93 - RowErg - Rest Assured 
30 minutes continuous rowing as 7.5 minute interval repeats
15 seconds power, 30 seconds easy
30 seconds power, 60 seconds easy
45 seconds power, 90 seconds easy
60 seconds power, 120 seconds easy

Rate: 24
Drag: 115

Great piece to build your stamina while sprinkling in some spicy bursts of power. 

Finisher - 5 rounds 
10x hand-release push-ups
100m heavy farmers carry (53-pounds)
rest 2 mins between rounds

Sunday, July 30, 2023

AMRAP 2:30 X 3
9 DB Push Presses
30-foot sandbag bearhug carry
Rest 2:30 between AMRAPs
Continue where you left off each round

Total Score: 10 full rounds + 9 db push press

Walk from garage door to sidewalk with sandbag. I wanted to have weights on both ends so I used two 35-pound DBs on one end and a 35&44-pound KB on the other. Made the mistake of not getting my heart rate up a head of time. This workout will intentionally push your heart rate out of a comfortable range, forcing you to stop at some point. Find a pace you can stay at for the entire duration of the workout. 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Rowing Intervals 
6x 6 min cont. (2:45/:30/2:45)
rest 2:00 
rate 20 
2k plus 22 seconds
10 max effort strokes at r20 on middle :30 (power 10!)

Sat down with the idea of a doing a low rate recovery row - that is why the pace in the first round is significantly slower than the remaining intervals. Once I was warmed up, I stuck to the prescribed paces. The heat and poor air quality in the garage made this much tougher.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Four Rounds 
500m row
12 deadlifts @ 160-pounds
21 weighted sit-ups @ 12-pounds

⏲️ 24
🎯 5K split

Don’t set the clock and instead just focus on moving well.  Was cautious with the deadlift weight because of my low back, but this was easy and unbroken each of the four rounds. Kept the drag a bit lower than usual and held 12-pound wall ball for the sit-ups. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Recovery Row 
30 minutes
🎯 Recovery Pace
Rate: 18
DF 114

Followed along with 30 minute ASMR recovery row from Dark Horse Rowing. 

3 rounds
30 banded pull-aparts (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (purple band - two hands)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

4mins // 3 mins // 2 mins // 1 min // 2 mins // 3 mins // 4 mins

Use the first 4 minute interval as your warmup holding r22 and building in intensity. For the remaining intervals, set units to WATTS and establish your power on the front half of each minute. During the first :30 seconds of each minute you'll row for MAX WATTS @ r24 then you'll back off during the last :30 seconds of each minute while still maintaining r24. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Row Conditioning 
4x 5:00 intervals, broken as follows
1:00 active recovery
1:00 @ r22 75%
1:00 @ r26 90%
1:00 @ r22 75%
1:00 @ r26 90%

Warmed up with DH 10-minute build and then followed along with this DH workout from YouTube. You'll row for 20 minutes continuously, but each minute you'll shift your focus as described above. Held the r22 around 2:17-2:18 and the r26 at 2:06-2:07. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Workout 92 - RowErg - Free Energy
5 rounds of 6:00 work // 2:00 rest
Interval 1: 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 20
Interval 2: 20 - 24 - 20 - 20 - 24 - 20
Interval 3: 20 - 24 - 28 - 20 - 24 - 20
Interval 4: 20 - 24 - 20 - 20 - 24 - 28
Interval 5: 20 - 24 - 28 - 20 - 24 - 28

Focus should be locking into designated stroke rate and allowing the change in rate to dictate any increase in speed. Hold the same intensity at each rate but feel the 'free' energy you get from increasing the rate. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

21 Calories AFAP 
18 Calories AFAP 
15 Calories AFAP
**Midline Work**
21 Calories AFAP 
18 Calories AFAP 
15 Calories AFAP

Midline Work:
  • 45-second plank hold
  • 30 sit-ups
  • 15 v-ups
  • 30 russian twists
  • 45-second plank hold

Men’s VC workout with David and Matt. David and I rotated on the rower while Matt opted for the assault bike. Get your heart rate up, trash your midline, and then hold on to your heart and lungs for dear life. Try to match or exceed the pace set on the initial round of sprints on the way back. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Workout 13: Be The Rabbit 
Warm Up 
1:00 Easy (settle into rate 24)
3:00 Easy 
2:00 Moderate 
1:00 Hard 
2:00 Moderate
3:00 Easy

Segment 1:  6 rounds of :45 sprint @ r24 // 1:15 light paddle between 
Segment 2:  6x :45 sprint @ r24 // 1:15 light paddle between 

The focus of this workout is to match or beat our effort from the first segment during the second segment. Set the units to WATTS - goal should be to keep all rounds at 200+ WATTS and get faster each round. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

2000m SkiErg 
2000m Row

Put in a good warmup before hitting this piece. Was done at about 75%. The setup at the Y does not allow for easy transition between machines.  The SkiErg wiped me out and made the row that much slower. Try this again and add a 4000m Echo Bike following the row. 

SkiErg: 8:57.1 
RowErg: 9:08.2 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Workout 32 - RowErg - In Sync  
Warm Up:
10 Rounds of...
45 Seconds of Easy Rowing @22 SPM (Strokes Per Minute)
15 Seconds of Power at Increasing SPMs*
*2 Rounds @22, 2 Rounds @24, 2 Rounds @26, 2 Rounds @28, 2 Rounds @30

4 Rounds...
2 Minutes @24 Easy
1 Minute @24 Hard
30 Seconds Hard Speed Burst at Increasing SPMs*
30 Seconds REST
*Round 1 @26, Round 2 @28, Round 3 @30, Round 4 @32

Focus was on maintaining length when increasing the stroke rate. Don't compromise the order of operations or shorten your stroke just to hit those r30 or r32 strokes.  

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

10 Rounds 
400m row @ r22
100m row @ r28 

Fun way to pass the time on your way to a 5K. Keep the r22 400s nice and easy while challenging yourself on the 100m intervals. While the pace should be challenging, it should also allow for you to go right into the recovery intervals without dropping of the cliff. This was a #morethannothing workout. It was so humid out in the garage and I wasn't in the mood to push myself too hard today. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Workout 69 - RowErg - Your 24 
Warm Up:
2 Minutes Easy @22 then,
10 Minutes Easy @24
At the top of each Minute, 10 Hard Strokes @24
Five 4 Minute Intervals
Row 350m @24 Hard
Recovery Row @24 to finish the interval
No Rest between Intervals 

Held between 2:06-2:07 for the HARD 350m but was a little too lax on the RECOVERY portion of the row, dipping below 90 WATTS for most of the time. Didn't notice the drag was set so low when I started to row - this should be closer to 120. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Row Conditioning 
1000m @ 28spm
1000m @ 26spm
1000m @ 24spm
1000m @ 22spm
1000m @ 20spm
Rest two minutes between intervals

Strive to keep a similar pace while you reduce the stroke rate. Choose a pace a bit faster than your 5K (2:08.4). This took all I had and I still came up a bit short on the r20 interval. Turned the drag up for the last two intervals to give me a boost. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Workout 45 - Row Erg - Full Send 
Seek full throttle with 100% commitment. Let the pace boat feature be your motivation to get after it with no reservations. 

5 intervals of 1 minute of work with 1 minute of rest
*increase intensity each interval
4 intervals of 1 minute of work with 1 minute of rest
*increase intensity each interval
3 intervals of 1 minute of work with 1 minute of rest
*increase intensity each interval
2 intervals of 1 minute of work with 1 minute of rest
*increase intensity each interval
1 interval of 1 minute of work with 1 minute of rest
*full send

-Rate capped at 26 s/m
-Use pace boat feature to increase pace from each prior round
-Use round of five to warmup to a moderate pace

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Workout 26 - RowErg - Row 500
No meters to count, no calories to burn, no watts to hold, 500 is the number of strokes rowed in this workout. That's it, we row 500 strokes. I paddled lightly between segments and finished with 675 strokes. Kept things a bit easier as I am still nursing my low back. 
NOTE: "On" = Powerful Strokes  "Off" = Easy Strokes
Segment 1 (Warm Up): (200 Strokes @24)
30off /10on
25off /15on
20off /20on 
15off /25on
10off /30on
Segment 2: (100 Strokes @26)
5 Rounds...
5 strokes to build
10 strokes for power
5 strokes off
Segment 3: (200 Strokes @22)
1on /1off, 2on/2off, 3on/3off...10on/10off back down to 1on/1off

Monday, July 10, 2023

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ 2:30 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:25 r19
rest 2:30
5 mins @ 2:20 r20
rest 2:30
2.5 mins @ 2:15 r21

First time back on the rower since straining my low back Wednesday. Wanted to keep things chill and not push too hard. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A: 21-15-9 reps of: 
Deadlift @ 150lbs
150m farmers carry in between rounds @ 35lbs

B: Ski and Snatch
18 calorie SkiErg
18 DB Snatch @ 50lbs
18 calorie SkiErg
14 DB Snatch @ 60lbs
18 calorie SkiErg
10 DB Snatch @ 70lbs

This workout is going to tax your grip in several different ways. Both the deadlifts (used trap bar) and the farmer's carries were done unbroken - could have gone with a heavier KB as these were never in doubt. Held an aggressive pace on the SkiErg and split the DB snatch in half (by arm) each round.  

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

4 'Giant' Sets: 
500m row
15 abmat butterfly situps
21 banded good mornings (red mini-band)
Rest 1 minute between sets 

This was designed to be a recovery session out in the garage. Held a lower rate and moderate pace. The midline work was all unbroken with a focus on moving well rather than quickly. 

Monday, July 3, 2023

Ladder Intervals 
Row 5/4/3/2/1/1/2/3/4/5 minutes 
*rest one minute between intervals
*rest two minutes between each of the one-minute intervals 
Descending: 75% - 80% - 85% - 90% - 95%
Ascending: 95% - 90% - 85% - 80% - 75% 

This got sweaty quick. While I was able to hit my targets on the way down, going back up the ladder was not happening so I pivoted to 'darts' at an easy-moderate pace. 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Workout 25 - RowErg - Games of Goals 
Warm Up (4 Minutes):
Fish Game - Rack up as many points as possible during these 4 minutes of fun. 
Extended Warm Up (12 Minutes):
5 Intervals of 90 Seconds of Work with 1:00 Rest in between 
Have the monitor set to meters and gradually increase the distance traveled over the 5 intervals.
 **Note the distance you travel during the 5th Interval.  This total is important for the workout.**
Workout (13 Minutes):
**Take the distance you traveled in the 5th Interval and DOUBLE it.  This is your GOAL now.
You will have 3 Minutes to reach or surpass your GOAL number of meters.  If you come up short, keep a running total.  These will be your penalty meters you will need to pay at the end of the workout. For every meter below target, you owe a one burpee penalty. 
3 Minutes to Row GOAL meters
2 Minutes Rest
3 Minutes to Row GOAL meters
2 Minutes Rest
3 Minutes to Row GOAL meters