Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A: 21-15-9 reps of: 
Deadlift @ 150lbs
150m farmers carry in between rounds @ 35lbs

B: Ski and Snatch
18 calorie SkiErg
18 DB Snatch @ 50lbs
18 calorie SkiErg
14 DB Snatch @ 60lbs
18 calorie SkiErg
10 DB Snatch @ 70lbs

This workout is going to tax your grip in several different ways. Both the deadlifts (used trap bar) and the farmer's carries were done unbroken - could have gone with a heavier KB as these were never in doubt. Held an aggressive pace on the SkiErg and split the DB snatch in half (by arm) each round.  

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