Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Workout 26 - RowErg - Row 500
No meters to count, no calories to burn, no watts to hold, 500 is the number of strokes rowed in this workout. That's it, we row 500 strokes. I paddled lightly between segments and finished with 675 strokes. Kept things a bit easier as I am still nursing my low back. 
NOTE: "On" = Powerful Strokes  "Off" = Easy Strokes
Segment 1 (Warm Up): (200 Strokes @24)
30off /10on
25off /15on
20off /20on 
15off /25on
10off /30on
Segment 2: (100 Strokes @26)
5 Rounds...
5 strokes to build
10 strokes for power
5 strokes off
Segment 3: (200 Strokes @22)
1on /1off, 2on/2off, 3on/3off...10on/10off back down to 1on/1off

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