Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Workout 32 - RowErg - In Sync  
Warm Up:
10 Rounds of...
45 Seconds of Easy Rowing @22 SPM (Strokes Per Minute)
15 Seconds of Power at Increasing SPMs*
*2 Rounds @22, 2 Rounds @24, 2 Rounds @26, 2 Rounds @28, 2 Rounds @30

4 Rounds...
2 Minutes @24 Easy
1 Minute @24 Hard
30 Seconds Hard Speed Burst at Increasing SPMs*
30 Seconds REST
*Round 1 @26, Round 2 @28, Round 3 @30, Round 4 @32

Focus was on maintaining length when increasing the stroke rate. Don't compromise the order of operations or shorten your stroke just to hit those r30 or r32 strokes.  

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