Saturday, December 30, 2023

Row Conditioning 
28 minutes with rate increase 
7:00 @ r18
6:00 @ r20
5:00 @ r22
4:00 @ r24
3:00 @ r26
2:00 @ r28
1:00 @ r30

Start slow and drop split by 2-3 seconds with every rate change. Let the speed come from the change in rate. That last few minutes was ROUGH - I did everything I could to hang on. 

Hang Cleans 3-3-3-3-3

Focus on mechanics and less on going heavy. Best set was 150-pounds. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Crossfit | 220312 
3 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
21 hang power snatches @ 65lbs


This is meant to be a light weight for the hang power snatch. This is going to test your grip so try to keep your grip loose on the rower. Hold onto the bar and complete the snatches in two sets. 

2 rounds, not for time:
10 hollow rocks, 10 second hollow hold, 10 alt. v-ups, 10 second hollow hold

Midline work was done prior to metcon.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Workout 28 - RowErg - The Escalator 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

11 Minute Interval (Steady State @r22 Stroke Rate, building to @r24, adding Power Strokes)
9 Minute Interval (9 x 50 sec Easy, 10 sec Power)
7 Min Interval (7 x 40 sec Easy, 20 sec Power)
5 Minute Interval (5 x 30 sec Easy, 30 sec Power)
3 Minute Interval (3 x 20 sec Easy, 40 sec Power)
1 Minute Interval (1 x 10 sec Easy, 50 sec Power)
1 Minute Rest Between Intervals

I can hardly straighten my arms after the Tabata curls the other day so I turned the drag all the way down for this one. Easy work was around 2:25 and Power at 2:14. Focus on the change in ratio at r24 between 'easy' and 'power' - drive speed is faster and recovery slows down. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Row Series IV - Event 4 
"Silence of the Legs"
Eight Rounds:
ROW 300m (30 seconds rest)
A) Fastest 300m time
B) Slowest 300m time

Put in a good warmup and let it rip. Turn the drag up a bit and be willing to suffer - keep each round below 2K pace. 

3x20 unbroken medball sit-ups
hold a plank for the same time it took to complete sit-ups each round

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Row Conditioning 
5000m with rate changes every 1000m
Rate 25-22-25-28-25
DF 86

Turned the drag all the way down for this one and let the rate dictate speed. 

Tabata Mashup
45lb barbell bicep curl
Abmat sit-ups
Banded triceps pushdown (purple band)
*complete all 8 rounds of one exercise before moving to the next

Friday, December 22, 2023

Workout 97 - RowErg - Define your Priority  
4 minutes @ 22
3 minutes @ 24
2 minutes @ 22
1 minute @ r28 max effort (212 avg. watts)
5 minute rest
20 steady minutes @ 24 (4212 meters)

No rest between the first four intervals - should be ten continuous minutes. Use the first three as a warmup before sending it during the one-minute max effort. For the 20 minute piece, take your average watts from one-minute max effort and divide in half (212 > 106). At the 10 minute mark, bump up 10-15 watts, then again at the 5 minute, 2.5 minute and finally at the 45 second mark. Note your average watts and total meters for the twenty minute interval. Last 45 seconds were done above 200 watts.

5X12+0:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Workout 53 - RowErg - Ups and Downs 
Warm Up/Workout:
12 Minute Stroke Rate Pyramid

6 Minute Active Recovery

12 Minute Rolling Hills
Cool Down:
6 Minute Active Recovery

Monday, December 18, 2023

3 Rounds
1000 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
6 Rounds
10 Second (Sprint) Row
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
3 Rounds
1000 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
6 Rounds
10 Second (Sprint) Row
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

"Hard" intervals should be uncomfortable but not all out. Go for it on the "Sprint" intervals. Be prepared for it to be much harder to hold your pace during the second 3 rounds of "Hard" intervals. The goal, however, is to do just that. I am nursing a cold (COVID?) so I didn't push the 1000m intervals the way I normally might. HARD 1000m should be closer to 2:08.5-2:10 pace per 500m. Was very consistent and there was no degradation from the first set of 1000m to the next. For the 10 second sprints you should be seeing 400+ WATTS each time. 

Score: Average 1000 Meter Time 4:29.5 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Crossfit | 231213
For load:

After each set complete:
5 broad jumps for max distance
8-calorie Echo bike as fast as possible
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Goal: Power
Post heaviest deadlift, longest broad jump, and fastest Echo-bike time to comments.

DL: 280lbs
Broad Jump: 5 feet 6 inches
Echo Bike: 17 seconds 

Lift as heavy as possible while respecting the speed work. Add weight each round. Can you lift heavy AND move fast? This is how we do it [cue Montell Jordan]. This type of workout is fun and very challenging in the best possible way. The goals are clear: Deadlift with max force and bike at max speed. The broad jump is a combination of force and speed.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Workout 61 - RowErg - tril·erg·y: Row 
We row through this workout to build a strong athletic base; to challenge our strength in a sustained effort; to maintain our integrity between the interjections; to lift our mood and to reconnect with our body.
Warm Up:
4 Minutes Increasing Intensity from RPE 2 to RPE 4 at 22 SPM to 24 SPM
Then, 4 Rounds of...
45 Seconds of RPE 4
15 Seconds of Max Power at 24 SPM
Immediately into... 
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 45 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 45 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 45 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 30 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 30 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 30 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 15 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 15 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
4 Minutes of Recovery (RPE 4) with the last 15 Seconds at Max Watts at 28 SPM
Cool Down:
4 Minutes Ease Off Intensity

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

ErgZone Challenge #2 
Rate: 23
Pace: 2
DF: 117

The workout is 23 minutes, broken down into 1-minute splits. This one is about consistency at each split. Your goal is to repeat 22 times the same pace/watts and SPM you did on the first split. Think about that perfect screen. Score 1 point for each time the athlete meets the goals set on the first interval. For a real challenge, set a target pace and rate, then cover the monitor and see how close you can get. 

Score: 16

3x20 unbroken banded sit-ups
hold a plank for the same time it took to complete sit-ups each round

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Row Conditioning 
90 second row @ r24, rest 30 seconds
60 second row @ r26, rest 45 seconds
30 second row @ r28, rest 60 seconds
15 minute row @ r22, rest 30 seconds
30 second row @ r28, rest 60 seconds
60 second row @ r26, rest 45 seconds
90 second row @ r24, done! 

Try to go faster on the back half without sandbagging the front half. Need to get better at finding target rate within 3 strokes - especially at the higher numbers. 

Monday, December 11, 2023

With a 25:00 clock 
Row as many meters as possible
*Every 4:00 including 0:00 perform
10 unbroken bench press @ 115-pounds
10 v-ups

Score = Total meters rowed

Nice and sweaty effort. Had ~2:30 remaining on the rower each round. Kept the pace around 2:15-ish and the rate between 23-24. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

10 minutes to complete the following complex for max load: 
1 power snatch
2 hang snatches

It was 50 degrees out today so I headed out to the garage for some fun with the barbell. Warmed up with some snatch high pulls and hang power snatches at a light weight.  

Best lift was 118-pounds. I didn't want to push too much here - just looking to make a few good lifts with solid technique. 

Friday, December 8, 2023

Workout 24 - RowErg - Warm Up? Workout? Your Call 
Rate Building Ladder
Every minute increase the stroke rate and in addition gradually build in intensity
Stroke Rates: 16/17/18/19/20/22/24/26/28/30
Power 20s
Take the majority of these 6 minutes at an easy pace.  There will be 3 intervals of 20 power strokes taken randomly throughout.  We will hold our stroke rate steady at a 24.
30 Seconds of High and Hard
90 Seconds to Settle and be Steady
2 Minutes Rest
30 Seconds of High and Hard
90 Seconds to Settle and be Steady
2000m TT
Rate: 22/24/26/28; change rate every 500m 


50 alternating v-ups
90 second plank (each break 20 Russian twists with 12-pound med ball)
50 alternating v-ups

Thursday, December 7, 2023

9x1:40 on, :20 off (2 minute rest after round 5)
Note: This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose 'Select Workout' then 'Custom List' then 'v1:40/20 r...9'.
15:00 minutes
3571 meters rowed
DF 86 (damper 1.5)

Get faster throughout with goal of #lastfast. 

Warmed up with darts game 🎯
Time: 12:17.8
Score: 13,905 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2722

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Row Series VII - Event 2 - Dirty Resting 
Row 5,000m
Rest 8 minutes
Row 1,333m
Rest 4 minutes
Row 1,333m
Rest 4 minutes
Row 1,333m
2A: 5,000m time (23:37.1)
2B: Slowest 1,333m time (6:05.2)

This workout is designed for you to push during each interval, allowing lactic acid to build up during the extended rest periods, hence the score for slowest 1333m. My knees were sore from yesterday so I kept this relaxed, holding an easy recovery pace throughout. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

**Threshold Training** 
Interval Variable
1:30 rest between 

Set 1: 
3/1/1 @24/26/28 (5min)
Set 2: 
3/2/2 @24/26/28 (7min)
Set 3: 
3/3/3 @24/26/28 (9min)

Pacing notes:
r24@ 2k +12 seconds
r26 @ 2k plus 10 seconds
r28 @2k plus 8 seconds

Challenge yourself to hold onto the same splits throughout the workout. Was below target on several intervals - that third set was especially nasty! 💀💥😣 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ r20 
4 mins @ r20 with power 5s at top of each minute
10 mins @ r20 
4 mins @ r20 with power 5s at top of each minute

Applying power while holding the same rate throughout requires you to adjust your ratio. Drive faster and slow down your recovery a bit. Wanted to get out to the garage for some easy meters on this warm December day.