Thursday, December 28, 2023

Workout 28 - RowErg - The Escalator 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

11 Minute Interval (Steady State @r22 Stroke Rate, building to @r24, adding Power Strokes)
9 Minute Interval (9 x 50 sec Easy, 10 sec Power)
7 Min Interval (7 x 40 sec Easy, 20 sec Power)
5 Minute Interval (5 x 30 sec Easy, 30 sec Power)
3 Minute Interval (3 x 20 sec Easy, 40 sec Power)
1 Minute Interval (1 x 10 sec Easy, 50 sec Power)
1 Minute Rest Between Intervals

I can hardly straighten my arms after the Tabata curls the other day so I turned the drag all the way down for this one. Easy work was around 2:25 and Power at 2:14. Focus on the change in ratio at r24 between 'easy' and 'power' - drive speed is faster and recovery slows down. 

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