Friday, December 8, 2023

Workout 24 - RowErg - Warm Up? Workout? Your Call 
Rate Building Ladder
Every minute increase the stroke rate and in addition gradually build in intensity
Stroke Rates: 16/17/18/19/20/22/24/26/28/30
Power 20s
Take the majority of these 6 minutes at an easy pace.  There will be 3 intervals of 20 power strokes taken randomly throughout.  We will hold our stroke rate steady at a 24.
30 Seconds of High and Hard
90 Seconds to Settle and be Steady
2 Minutes Rest
30 Seconds of High and Hard
90 Seconds to Settle and be Steady
2000m TT
Rate: 22/24/26/28; change rate every 500m 


50 alternating v-ups
90 second plank (each break 20 Russian twists with 12-pound med ball)
50 alternating v-ups

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