Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Build to heavy set of:
2 strict press plus 3 push press

Pushup Biathlon 
30/20/10 pushups 
500m row after every set
*250m penalty row if you break any pushup sets (to be paid before continuing on with pushups)

Accessory: Pushing
10-8-6-4-2 alternating double DB strict press*
5-4-3-2-1 HSPU
*hold 1 DB in front rack while other is pressed overhead
*build in weight each round

Best set was 155lbs - bar was taken from the ground each set. Probably could have gone heavier, but knew there was a lot of pressing coming up and wanted to save my shoulders. Broke the set of 30 pushup at 19, otherwise everything else was unbroken. Opened with 25lb DBs and increased by 5lbs each set, ending with a pair of 45s. 

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