Monday, April 1, 2024

C2 April Fools Challenge 
Day 1: 1000m 

Our special April Fools' Challenge is a streak challenge with a difference. To take part, you need to row, ski or ride every day for 15 days from April 1. Each day, however, the distance you need to do rises. On April 1 you need to do at least 1000m. On April 2, you need to do at least 2000m, all the way up to 15,000m on April 15.

Bro Sesh
18-15-12-9 reps of
DB Incline Bench @ 40lbs
DB Shoulder Press @ 25lbs
DB Skull Crushers @ 20lbs

Core Values 
40-30-20-10 reps of 
Extended S-arm DB Sit-ups @ 10lbs
Russian Twists

Used the 1000m as a warmup knowing there is plenty of volume coming over the next 15 days of the AF challenge. The weights for bro session were just about perfect for the number of reps. Was forced to break most rounds which is the intent - put those dumbbells down and shake out the arms before getting right back into it. 

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