Monday, April 22, 2024

Row Intervals 
Four 10-minute intervals with ~2 minutes rest between
Interval 1: 1 min @ r28, 1 min @ r26, 1 min @ r24, 1 min @ r22, 1 min @ r20, 1 min @ r20, 1 min @ r22, 1 min @ r24, 1 min @ r26, 1 min @ r28
Interval 2: 2 mins @ r22, 1 min @ r28, 3 mins @ r20, 1 min @ r30, 2 mins @ r24, 1 min @ r30
Interval 3: 2 mins @ r22, 1 min @ r26, 2 mins @ r24, 1 min @ r28, 3 mins @ r20, 1 min @ r30
Interval 4: 1 min @ r28, 2 mins @ r22, 3 mins @ r20, 2 mins @ r24, 1 min @ r28, 1 min @ r30

Warmed up with :30 on / :30 off for 12 minutes building in rate to prepare for the demands of this workout. Noted after the fact that recommended sequence was in reverse order from #4 to #1. Ten minutes blurs the line between power and conditioning. Don't let the pace drop too much on the lower rates, especially coming off a r26 or 28. Allow the pace to be dictated by the increase in rate, adding a bit of power but being careful not to redline.

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