Thursday, April 11, 2024

C2 April Fools Challenge 
Day 11: 11,000m

Workout #1:
3:00 @ r18, rest :30 / 2:30 @ r20, rest :30 / 2:00 @ r22, done
Workout #2:
2:30 @ r18, rest :30 / 2:30 @ r20, rest :30 / 2:30 @ r22, done
Workout #3:
2:00 @ r18, rest :30 / 2:30 @ r20, rest :30 / 3:00 @ r22, done

Work through the sequence as #1, #2, #3, #2 and then #1. Five shorter efforts to help reach today target meters. Use your warmup to get comfortable with lower rates. Find a pace that would be somewhat uncomfortable for a 10K (2k plus 20). 

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