Friday, September 23, 2016

Clean & Jerk Range of Motion Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
5 Clean Pulls
5 Muscle Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Strict Press
Use an empty barbell for both rounds.

Clean & Jerk Skill Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
3 High Hang Power Clean
3 Low Hang Power Clean with a Squat
3 Jerks
Use an empty barbell for the first round and if it feels lite and fast add a small amount of weight.

Diablo Strong: 5 Sets at 75% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk (145lbs)
1 Clean pull
5 second lower to knee
2 second pause at knee
3 second lower to ground
1 Squat clean

Workout: 2 Rounds for time
6 Lateral Box Overs  (24) - Note: Subbed Lateral Box Shuttles
4 Power Cleans (135) 
4 Box Jumps
6 Lateral Box Overs 
4 Power Cleans
4 Box Jumps
Row (500m)
Coaching Notes: You do NOT have to hit full extension on the lateral box overs, but you do on the box jumps like usual. Also make sure to step down from the box jumps.

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