Monday, October 3, 2016

1: Clean
A.  3 Cleans at 60%
B.  3 Cleans at 70%
C.  3 Cleans at 75%
D.  2x2 Cleans at 80%

2: Conditioning
1500m Row
100 DU (2:1 singles)
50 Wall Balls, 15lb.
100 DU
1500m Row

Notes: Cleans were based off 195lb. 1RM. As Rx'd called for squat cleans, but I was not warmed up well and bar had almost no spin to it. All lifts were power cleans. Focus was on speed and getting elbows up.Conditioning piece was tough -- first 1500 was 6:06, second was :50 slower. Overall time was roughly 26:00 for this workout, however, I came right off rower at end without looking at the clock.

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