Saturday, October 1, 2016

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
25-lb.single-arm dumbbell overhead lunges, 25 steps
Row 25 calories
25-lb.weighted sit-ups, 25 reps

4 Full + (17) lunges

Notes: During the overhead lunges focus on maintaining an active shoulder by pushing up into the dumbbell. Make sure to keep the elbow extended. Alternate arms as needed. Full range of motion is trailing knee touching the floor at the bottom and full extension of the knees, hips, and arm at the top. It is not necessary to pause with the feet together. During the row ensure that each stroke begins by driving with the legs, then lean back slightly, and follow through by pulling with the arms. To return straighten the arms first, then lean forward slightly, and finally bend the legs back to the start position. During the sit-up, anchor the feet and hold the dumbbell on the chest.

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