Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A: 15 RFT:
100ft KB farmers carry, 25s
25 heavy rope singles


Notes: Used Fat Gripz on the DB which is why I reduced the distance of the farmers carry. All sets and reps were unbroken. This was a real grip killer.

B: 3 Rounds
15 Bent Over KB Rows (35s)
15 Weighted Sit-ups (10)
15 KB Swings (35)
100m KB farmers carry (35s)

C: Hold for 1 minute each
-45lb pair of dumbbells
-95lb barbell 
-both with Fat Gripz

Notes: This was NASTY and I was unable to complete the 1 minute hold in a single set with each implement. 

Deadlift Stamina
Not for Time:
3-6-9-12-15: Unbroken Deadlifts (60%)
After each set: 30% of our Max Strict HSPU

Notes: Used trap bar for deadlifts (200lbs) since I wanted to get used to this for the Chubb event. First time using a trap bar -- you can get a lot more leg drive with this. Handstands were (6) reps each round -- used most recent max of 20 reps as baseline.

Body Armor
In a 5:00 window:
Single-Arm DB Strict Press (Right)
7-Rep Heavy


In a 5:00 window:
Single-Arm DB Strict Press (Left)
7-Rep Heavy


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Chubb Finding The Fittest Event 2: Fitness Gallery Triathlon
For time:
Row 1000 meters (damper 6 = df 120)
Run ¼ mile on the Woodway Curve Trainer
Bike 2 miles on the recumbent bike (Level 12)


Notes: The plan was to do the row in 3:50-3:55 and bike sub-7:00. I really fell apart on the run -- it took nearly 3 minutes because I had to stop and walk a couple of times. 
Sunday 180304
3 rounds for time of:
50 GHD sit-ups (30 GHD)
25 strict handstand push-ups (20 strict handstand push-ups)

Notes: Followed intermediate scaling plan, but kept strict handstands.  Would normally do this RX'd but when I was looking for a workout this morning, saw this in my archives and my notes did not indicate this was a scaled version of mainsite WOD. Broke GHD @ 15/15 each set and HSPU at 14 during round one and 12 in both subsequent rounds.

Test: Max sit-ups in one minute
29 reps

Notes: For sit-ups, hands touch ground behind head and in front of feet at top of situp as shown in video below.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assault Bike
2x: 10:00 on, 5:00 off
followed by...
6x: 2:00 on, 1:00 off
Chubb Finding The Fittest Event 1: One Repetition Maximum Bench Press

3 @ 135
2 @ 185
1 @ 225
1 @ 245

255 @ 0:00
265 @ 1:30
275 @ 2:50 (fail)
270 @ 3:50 (fail)

Notes: The 265lb bar went up rather easily -- was very disappointed that I could not move either bar afterwards. This matched my total from last year.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Assault Bike
2x: 3:00 on, 2:00 off
followed by...
6x: 1:00 on, :30 off

2x: 3:00 on, 2:00 off
6x: 1:00 on, :30 off

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps

5 x 249
3 x 275, 295
1 x 315, 325(fail), 325

Notes: Used the deadlift session from Feb 24 as a guideline for loading. Did not warmup the way I needed to before heavy deadlifts.

Deadlift Warmup

Friday, July 26, 2019

10 Rounds on the 3 minute of:
12 calories, assault bike

Notes: I tried to keep all rounds under :40 seconds to allow sufficient recovery. Used the SmartWOD app with this workout as it announces halfway and :10 to go.
Training for Finding The Fittest Week One Events

Event 2: Fitness Gallery Triathlon 
For time:
Row 1000 meters
Run ¼ mile on the Woodway Curve Trainer
Bike 2 miles on the recumbent bike

- Participant will complete all three movements to the prescribed distance, in order.
- Score is the total time it takes you to complete 1000 meters on the rower, ¼ mile on the Woodway and 2 miles on the bike, including transition time.

Event 2: 14:53 

Notes: Pulled a 1:57/500m pace which seemed to be just right. Was able to get off the rower and right onto the treadmill. Had to walk twice on the treadmill. Goal should be to run .12, then walk to .15, then run the rest of the way. It is hard to get the recumbent bike going with any speed -- average RPM was only 87.

Event 1: One Repetition Maximum Bench Press

- One rep max is the MOST weight you can successfully lift for ONE rep.
- You will have 4 minutes to find your 1 rep max; you can warm up BEFORE that 4 minutes, and then go for your one rep during those 4 minutes.
- Your score is the total amount of weight of your final successful lift

Event 1: 265lbs

Notes: Warmed up to 225lbs. Plan should be to open at 245-255-265 then try 275 if I have time left.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Per Crossfit Endurance
Lactate Shuffle
Bike 5:00 on, 2:30 off, 6:00 on, 3:00 off, 7:00 on, done.
-used Assault Bike
-all out efforts while the clock is on
-score is by total distance

Distance: 10.4km

Notes: This is 18 minutes of holding back.
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Notes: Try to increase the load on each of the 15 reps.

1. 135-145-155-165-175
2. 185-195-205-215-225
3. 230-235-240-245-250(fail)

Matched a PR for the push press and set a new PR on the jerk (previous best was 240). Bar went up smoothly and wrist feels fully recovered. Took bar from rack and wore Rouge wrist wraps.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
44-lb kettlebell snatches, 12 reps
50 heavy rope singles

7 rounds + 10 snatches
1000 meter Row
Rest 4 minutes
Dumbbell Tabata Thrusters

3:42.8 Row
55 reps 30lb DB Thrusters (8-8-6-7-7-7-6-6)

Tabata Weighted Sit-Ups (10lbs)
Rest 1:00
Tabata Back Extensions

Friday, July 19, 2019

Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes x 7 rounds:
1 shoulder press
*add weight each round


Notes: 190lbs is a new PR for the shoulder press. Was able to get the 195lb bar to eye level but could not press beyond that.

Complete 10 rounds of the following:
0:15 frog hold

Notes: Focus on leaning forward. As RX'd this workout is EMOM for 14 minutes or until failure. There was almost no pain in my wrist at any point during AM or PM handstand/planche work. Curious to see the effect of 100+ handstand pushups on my wrist tomorrow.
3 Rounds
500m row
15 handstand push-ups


Notes: Try to keep the row sub-1:55 each round. HSPU were broken 10&5 in first two rounds, unbroken in last round. 

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Aerobic Capacity + Midline
For Time:
5,000 Meter Assault Bike
Every 1,000 Meters, complete a :45 Second D-Ball Hold (100) at belly level.

Note: Did not keep time as I wanted this to be more of a recovery effort. Each 1000m was done in approx. 1:45 and holds with :10-:15 transition between bike and sandbag.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

15 RFT:
70m KB farmers carry, 35s
25 heavy rope singles


Notes: All sets and reps were unbroken. Carry was one lap around cardio room at Jennersville Y. This was a real grip killer.

5X12+0:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A: 40/20 Intervals on C2 Rower
30 minutes of 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off

B: Deadlift
On the Minute x 15
3 Deadlifts
Hold same load across each set

C: Accessory Work
5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest

Friday, July 12, 2019

1000m at TMS -5, four minutes rest
Two x 500m at TMS -10 with two minutes rest between
Two x 240m at TMS – 15 with one minute rest

TMS = 2000m split (1:57)
*This was based on most recent 2000m PR (7:46.4/1:56.6 split)

Distance  Target   Actual
1000m    |  3:44    | 3:42.9
500m      |  1:47    | 1:47.4
500m      |  1:47    | 1:49.0
240m      |  0:51    | 0:51.4
240m      |  0:51    | 0:51.4

Notes: Took this from Top 10 Most Painful Ergs. Going into this session I knew it wouldn’t be easy, it required me pulling close to a PB 1k, 500m, and 240m consecutively, but I was optimistic and was blissfully unaware of what lay before me. This was incredibly tough, but it showed me that if you’re prepared for the pain you’re about to experience, and you know what it feels like, you can cope with it and push through. But if you’re not ready, and it comes as a shock, you have very little hope of fighting through it. Just like at the catch, you must be braced before the pressure hits it. From this session I concluded that 1.) One’s training program should occasionally have horrible ergs like this in them, just so that you’re ready for the pain when it hits you, and 2.) it is always possible to hurt more and you have definitely not reached your total potential yet.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Five rounds for time of:
30 GHD sit-ups
25 back extensions

Body Armor
3 Sets:
30 Banded Pull-Aparts
30 Banded Push Downs

Notes: Used red mini-band for both. BPU were one arm at a time -- 15 reps per arm, then switch.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

For Time:
2000m Row
400m Double Farmer Carry (35)

Notes: 2k Row and then carry for 400m. The goal is to finish between 11-14 minutes. Went out fast on the rower. My plan was to finish somewhere close to 8 minute mark. Heading into the last 500m I realized I had a shot at a PR and I increased my rate and bested my previous PB by 3 seconds!! The carry was (6) laps around the cardio room at JVILLE Y -- had to set the KB down a few times. This should really be done with 1-2 breaks at the most.

2K Personal Best!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Ski Series I - Event I
8 Rounds
Ski 333m
Rest 1:30 minutes

Score is fastest and slowest rounds
Slowest: 1:20.3 (3)
Fastest: 1:18.5 (2)

Monday, July 8, 2019

Assault Bike Intervals -- 3x 5K
...2 minute recovery between rounds, best pace possible

1: 8:40 (94 cals)
2: 8:43 (93 cals)
3: 8:37 (95 cals)
Bench Press 
-205lbs across all sets

4 Rounds:
20 calories, C2
4 handstand pushups
6 KB snatches (35), each arm
8 dips

Notes: You should try to increase the load on each set. There is no re-racking the bar during the set. I wanted to try to increase +10 each set and finish with 225lbs, but this felt heavy enough without a spotter. The metcon was nasty -- enough calories on the rower to head into the pain cave, each round was done in under a minute holding a 1250 cal/hour pace. The cardio room was so humid and I had to goto the towel over and over which slowed my pace.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Assault Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
assault bike calories
abmat sit-ups

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Endurance WOD
Assault Bike
2 Rounds of 5 Min on, 2 Min off
...followed by...
5 Rounds of 1 Min on, 30 sec off
-All Out Efforts!

A: 3.6 miles; 110 calories
B: 2.2 miles; 79 calories

Friday, July 5, 2019

Endurance WOD
4 x 4 min TT w/ 3 min REST
-use assault bike
-cover as much distance as possible in each round

4 x 4 min TT w/ 3 min REST
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups
Bar dips


Notes: This workout packs a huge punch to the upper-body pressing muscles. The limiting factor is typically muscular failure, due to the high-degree of interference between movements. This workout is deceiving and the best strategy for most athletes, is to break the reps up from onset and potentially do no more than 1/3 of your max reps in any single set. The limiting factor for me was definitely the dips. I could hardly string together more than 3-4 reps any set and did not manage my rest effectively. The later sets of HSPU were taxing and my rest periods got away from me. This was my slowest JT by over 3 minutes -- I was still wiped from the almost 5000m on the SkiErg Tuesday.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Stamina Squats
Alternating "On the Minute" x 12 (6 Rounds)
Odd Minutes - 3 Front Squats
Even Minutes - 6 Back Squats
Barbell - 60% of 3-Rep Back Squat on *both* lifts. Used 185lbs for both lifts.

Body Armor
5 Sets: 6 KB Thrusters (26#)
3 Sets: 9 Double KB Bent Over Rows (35#)
1 Set: 50 Weighted Sit-Ups (10#)
Rest 1:00 between all sets.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50 calories
-Time: 19:53.4
-Distance: 4624m
"Escape from Wonderland"
3 Rounds:
75 Heavy Singles
50 Air Squats
25 Calorie Row

Notes: Row was approx. 350m and 1:17-1:22 each round.

Monday, July 1, 2019

3 rounds of:
50 v-ups (held bender ball above head)
25 strict handstand push-ups

Notes: No time kept as I am still being cautious about my wrist. Handstands were broken 9-8-8 each round with enough rest to fully recover and I wrapped my wrists for all but the first and last sets.