Monday, November 25, 2019

Silverback Primer
3 Sets:
6 Single Kettlebell Lateral Box Step-ups (Each Side)
:20 Second Hollow Hold
200' Single Kettlebell Farmers Carry (change at 100')

Notes: Used single 35 lb KB in opposite arm of leg that was stepping up to 18" box

Back Squat
Build to Heavy Set of 5

This will be our percentage point for our following squat waves, starting next week.

Notes: Best set was 275lbs

"Taco Bell"
35 Double Unders (2X singles)
25 Air Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings (35)

Notes: Finished four full rounds; used 35lb KB and RX

Handstand Work
3 rounds for max reps:
0:30 handstand hold followed immediately by max rep set of handstand push-ups
Rest 2 minutes

Notes: 6-5-4 reps of handstand push-ups

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