Tuesday, November 19, 2019

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

13 X 2:00 Work Intervals with no Rest in between


Each 2 Minute interval that passes, we will increase the amount of rest by :15 Seconds, until we reach the interval with :30 Seconds of work.  At that point we will gradually decrease the amount of rest each interval by :15 Seconds until we get back to a 2:00 work interval.  As the time of work decreases, we will work to increase the amount of power (in watts).

Notes:  I messed this one up and did just one set at :30 - the workout is supposed to be 14 2:00 intervals. Treated the first two intervals as more of a warm-up -- need to be more intentional of warming up as time allows.

Total Distance: 4185m
Total Time: 17:00
Pace/500m: 2:01.8
DF = 101

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