Saturday, January 30, 2021

On The Concept 2
Rate Controlled Session 
Four Rounds
Four Minutes Work, Four Minutes Rest

Each interval will follow a specific pattern on the minute: 

I mistakenly set the rower for 1000m rather than four minutes  This was a good challenge to try and hold the specified rates, especially those at the lower end. I quit halfway through the final set as I was struggling to hit the target rates and had nothing left in my legs. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Warmed up with a few 300m intervals then hit this one. I actually ended up pulling my fastest split during the last interval. I think a reasonable goal would be to hold :26 seconds across the board for all rounds. Kept the DF at 114 for each interval. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

This is the fourth week of @streetparking vault for 2021. Didn't hate this workout as these are all wheelhouse movements for me. I chose to do 2 handstand push-ups instead of wall walks and used a 35lb KB for the snatches.  I went in hoping for between 6&7 rounds. My pace definitely slowed on rounds 3&4 - I need to learn to better control my breathing and take shorter more intentional breaks.

Score: 6 Rounds + 2 KB Snatches

Monday, January 25, 2021

5 rounds for time of:
30-cal. row
30 GHD sit-ups


Row was slower - done in 1:48 or less. Subbed straight leg sit-ups since I did this workout at home. I broke them up 15/9/6, with the exception of the first round being 15/15.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Two Rounds:
25 Calorie Row
25 DB Floor Press (50)
-Rest 3:00-
Two Rounds:
25 Calorie Row
25 Deficit Push-ups (hands on dumbbells) 

I still have noodle arms from this. Push the pace on the row knowing that you'll tire and rest on the pressing. Be smart about breaking up the pressing movements, I went with 15&10 on the floor press and 11-8-6 for the pushups. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

For Time
100 Calories Assault Bike
Each minute, hop off and do 25 heavy rope singles until finished.

This got the heart rate up. Start on the bike and log some early cals because you'll be left with only 35-40 seconds each round. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Crossfit | 210120
7 rounds for time of:
Row 100(F) / 150(M) meters in as few pulls as possible
After each row, perform 1 bodyweight front squat for each pull taken — e.g., if it takes 12 pulls on the rower, complete 12 front squats before starting the next round. Reset the rower prior to each round.

This workout encourages hard pulls on the rower. Increase the damper setting and slow your cadence to minimize the number of pulls each round. Choose a front-squat weight that is heavy but can be completed unbroken when fresh. 

Before I did this I saw a post from @garageathlete that suggested turning the damper down to 1 for minimum drag as a low DF = a fast flywheel. Tried it both ways in my warmup and opted for minimum drag (damper 1). 

22:37 @ 165-pounds (2/3 bodyweight)

7-7-7-7-7-6-6 pulls on the rower 

I wanted to get 6 pulls each round, but was left short on a couple of rounds by just 1m. The front squat weight felt right as I was able to keep each round unbroken. Bar was taken from ground since I was at No Excuses for this workout. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

On the Minute x 7
2 Deadlifts
Build each set

Notes: Used double overhand grip. Best lift was 275-pounds.

3 Supersets
20 banded sit-ups
1 minute d-ball hold (100)
Rest as needed between sets

Monday, January 18, 2021

Recovery + Midline
15 minute bike recovery
On the 3, 6, 9, 12:
15 abmat butterfly situps

Held around 60 RPMs each round. This variation of sit-ups left me with about two minutes to ride in each window. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
200m row
Aim to be faster each round
Score: Fastest Round

Score: 39.6 (Round 10)

Negative splits are usually one of those things that inexperienced athletes can do for one or two rounds, but quickly learn they came out too hot and ditch the effort. Start off slow and realize you have 10 sets to gradually speed up. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Warmed up and started with the below workout but was struggling with the handstands after just two rounds. 
50 heavy rope singles 
15 jump squats 
Rest 1:1

Still sore from Gaia on Thursday, so I opted for some OLY work instead.
Clean and Jerk
Set a clock to 15 minutes and build to a heavy single

Score: 194-pounds

With 60% of your heaviest successful lift from above (116.4)
21 clean and jerks (done in unbroken sets of 3 - so 7 sets of 3 touch and go reps)

Score: 3:46

Goal is to get through this fast - but again focus on solid movement and maintain touch-and-go sets of 3. 

3 rounds
15 weighted abmat situps
30 abmat situps
Rest as needed between sets

I only finished one set of this as I was having some pain in my lower abdomen at the end of that first set. Held 14-pound wall ball at chest for the weighted situps - these were done butterfly style. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My first vault workout courtesy of @streetparkingvault. This was actually the second vault workout of 2021 and I need to make up week one (Chaos). I was breathing heavy the entire time - need a better warmup to get my heart rate up before starting. Try 3-4 rounds of 12 Russian kb swings followed by a 12-15 second sprint on the rower. 

SCORE: 22:51 with 89-pound barbell

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

5 Rounds: 
On a 2:30 clock
500/400m row
10 Rounds:
On a 1:00 clock
150/100m row

This workout is courtesy of @hamplan. In the first part, we want to identify and maintain a sustainable pace. Your first 500/400 should be within 3 seconds of your last. You will be able to push your intensity harder in the second set of 150/100m distances. You should aim to finish all rounds in :30 or less. I opted for ladies distances to allow for a little more rest between each, especially on the first five rounds. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Row'd Royalty 2020 Workout 2 - "Down & Back Again"
Row 10 Intervals:
500m - 400m - 300m - 200m - 100m - 100m - 200m - 300m - 400m - 500m
(3000 meters total)
Rest 1 Minute Between Each Interval

SCORE: 3000m Row Time 11:39.9

Notes: Did not push too hard here as this was done outside at No Excuses in 35 degree temps. Still trying to get my times back to where they were at the start of 2020. Drag was at 119 - always. 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

3x @ 135
Use double overhand grip with @fatgripz

Assault Bike Conditioning
On the 2:00 x3: 
20 calories 
(1:19, 1:21, 1:21)
On the 1:30 x4:
15 calories
(:57, :58 :58, :59)
On the 1:00 x5:
10 calories
(:37, :37, :41, :42, 48💩💣)

I blew up the last round of the bike and limped to the finish. This was pretty gnarly and had me gassed. While the work periods get shorter, so does the rest. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

For Time:
30 calorie row
20 goblet squats (70/53)
20 calorie row
15 goblet squats (70/53)
10 calorie row
10 goblet squats (70/53)

Notes: I used 44-pound KB at No Excuses. You can make this hurt as much as you want to. Try to increase your pace on the rower each round, take a few breaths and pick up that KB as soon as you can. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

3 Rounds for Max Calories
3 minute row
2 minute assault bike
1 minute abmat sit-ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

1: 51/25/22
2: 49/23/21 
Did not complete round 3 as my lungs were burning 💥💥

Finished with a grip challenge! 
3 sets
Max unbroken double overhand deadlifts
135lbs + @fatgripz 
Rest 1 minute between sets

I got 7, 6 and 8 reps respectively.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Hang squat snatch 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps


This was done outside at No Excuses in 30 degree temps. Made the first attempt at 140lbs, although depth was questionable. Failed coming out of the hole on the second rep. Started with the Burgener warm-up. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Street Parking Endurance | Week 01 | Dec 27
Assault Bike
15/11 Calories - @ Hard Pace
Rest 1:15
15/11 Calories - @ Hard Pace
Rest 1:15
45/33 Calories - @ Moderate Pace
*No Rest*
15/11 Calories - @ Hard Pace
Rest 1:15
45/33 Calories - @ Moderate Pace
*No Rest*
15/11 Calories - @ Hard Pace
Rest 1:15
30/22 Calories - @ ModeratePace
*No Rest* 
15/11 Calories - @ Hard Pace

Score: Total time - including rest
Goal: The workout is to teach us how to start strong - find a pace, get a few strong surges, settle back in - and finish strong at the end. Do not mess up the paces for a better score. 
Time: 14:55 
Hard = 85-90% uncomfortable but sustainable
Moderate = 75-80% sustainable, yet slightly uncomfortable
**I opted to do women's calories because I was short on time. Held moderate rounds around 60-62 RPMs and hard rounds at 69-71 RPMs. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

AMRAP 24 Minutes 
18 Calorie Row
Rest 1:30
Pacing: Reach
Simple does not equal boring. You bring the effort to this party and will benefit from it in equal proportion to that level of effort.

I finished 10 full rounds + 10 calories of the 11th round. Tried to hold the calories per hour in the mid-1200s for each round, but with less than 25 seconds for the last round I went full Harry and the Sendersons and pulled at a 1500 calorie per hour pace. DF was set to 119. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

4 RFT:
20 Calories, Assault Bike
10 Sandbag Cleans (100)


This was a good lung burner! It's been a couple of months since I last did any cleans with the sandbag and it is an unforgiving piece of equipment. Held the bike around 61-63 RPMs which worked out to 1:30-1:38 per round.