Saturday, January 16, 2021

Warmed up and started with the below workout but was struggling with the handstands after just two rounds. 
50 heavy rope singles 
15 jump squats 
Rest 1:1

Still sore from Gaia on Thursday, so I opted for some OLY work instead.
Clean and Jerk
Set a clock to 15 minutes and build to a heavy single

Score: 194-pounds

With 60% of your heaviest successful lift from above (116.4)
21 clean and jerks (done in unbroken sets of 3 - so 7 sets of 3 touch and go reps)

Score: 3:46

Goal is to get through this fast - but again focus on solid movement and maintain touch-and-go sets of 3. 

3 rounds
15 weighted abmat situps
30 abmat situps
Rest as needed between sets

I only finished one set of this as I was having some pain in my lower abdomen at the end of that first set. Held 14-pound wall ball at chest for the weighted situps - these were done butterfly style. 

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