Thursday, December 16, 2021

Strength - 
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) plate ground to overhead (25lbs)
2) box jumps (20" box)
3) kb strict press (35lbs)
4) v-ups

Conditioning - 
7x 1 minute work // 30 seconds rest 
Rate: 26
🎯 2K pace 
DF 128

The foam plyo box at the WC Y has allowed me to start doing box jumps again. I am still conservative with the height, but it is nice to be able to jump again. For the conditioning piece, no specific pacing instructions were given, but the last time out I held 2K or better at r26. Aim for 80-90% on the minute sprints and paddle lightly during the rest periods. 

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