Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of:
Burpee Box Jumps @ 20"
*After each round, row 10 cals

Warmed up on the rower for about 20 minutes before getting into this one. Box jumps felt better than expected but let's see how those knees feel tomorrow. Kept this around 75% intensity, moving with purpose and holding a pace that allowed me to keep moving throughout. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Row Conditioning 
5 minutes
1 minute
5 minutes
1 minute
5 minutes
1 minute
5 minutes
Rest 1 minute between each piece

Rate: 5 mins @20 SPM, 1 min @30 SPM
Pace: 5 mins @ 2:13.5, 1 min @ 1:54.5

Bitch Work
25 burpees (8-8-9 reps with a minute between sets)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Row Conditioning 
3x 4000m / rest 2:00
Rate: 18
Pace: 2k plus 24 seconds

Some half-marathon prep out in the garage on a nice warm afternoon in January. I'd like to give it another go at the end of March. This is a good target pace for the half where I'd finish just under 1 hour 39 mins although I'd like to bump up the rate to somewhere between 20 and 22. 

3 Supersets: 
20 Banded Sit-ups
1 Minute D-Ball Hold (100)
Rest as needed between sets
Challenge yourself to go unbroken on the sit-ups

Friday, January 27, 2023

Row Series XII - Event 3 - HenROW The VII 
8 Rounds
100m row
20 seconds rest

3A: Fastest 100m (20.7)
3B: Slowest 100m (21.7)

Did a nice long warmup before hitting this piece. Turned the drag up some (140) but these were still slower than I hoped. My goal was to keep each interval at or below 20 seconds. Need to practice the sprint start. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

EMOM 16 
*4 rounds each

1)15 Plate G2OH @ 25
2)30 Russian Twists
3)15 DB Press @ 25
4)40-second high plank

10x45 sec on 35 sec off
Pace: 2k plus 2. Improve if you can. 
DF: 124

Woke up with sore legs from yesterday's training. I was not up for the kind of suffering called for so I held all rounds at starting pace. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Build The Base 
Row 5000 meters
-Every 3 minutes, complete 10 wall balls @ 16lbs
TIME: 29:35.8

This is all about sustained effort...rowing and wall balls have a similar movement pattern and both will have an impact on your heart rate. Fast transitions are the key to a good score here. 

Monday, January 23, 2023

30 Minutes Steady State
Rate: 22
🎯 2K plus 15-16

No warmup today as I was short on time. Even with a longer steady-state row like we have today, it is important to be warmed up to start the 30-minute test at full power and not be limited in terms of flexibility, etc... Decided early on I didn't want to push to get down to 2:12 and sat at 2:16 throughout most of this effort, putting in some work late to get down to a 2:15 average pace.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Row Conditioning  
5x5:00 work | 1:00 rest
Rate: 20/22/24/22/20
Pace: Start at 2k plus 17. Increase by 3 and 4 seconds respectively with each rate increase. Return to start. 

Some steady work out in the garage on a colder January afternoon. This was about pushing, but not killing yourself. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Bench Press 
6-6-5-5-4-4 reps

Row Conditioning
Rate: 22
🎯 2k plus 14
3 mins rest between each

Bench went up pretty easy until that 225-pound bar. Always hold your breath while doing your benches. Take a breath before taking the bar out of the rack, and release it when the weight goes back in the rack. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

500 Stroke Active Recovery 
100 Strokes* @20 
100 Strokes* @24
100 Strokes* @28
100 Strokes* @24/@28/@32

*Accumulating 100 strokes by 3 Rounds of 10 easy, 10 moderate, 10 hard; finish out the last 10 strokes easy

Use the last 100 strokes as a cool-down period. This was just what my body needed after yesterday. Although this is active recovery, don't be afraid to push the pace a bit on the HARD strokes, especially at the higher rates.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Five Rounds 
10 DB Thrusters @ 35lbs
300m Row

5 sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

I kept the intensity around 70% since this was a partner workout. I finished my row 20-30 seconds earlier and took the extra time to rest each round.  Unbroken thrusters at this weight were never in doubt. Despite all that, I was still breathing heavy throughout. Thrusters never disappoint! The midline work was difficult and I finished just three rounds then held hollow hold for :30 in place of rounds four and five. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"Paranormal Active Recovery"
Row 4000m, no rest
Row 3000m, no rest
Row 2000m

3A: 3000m time (13:20.6)
3B: Total time (40:48.5)

Goal was to finish under 40 minutes which requires me to hold a 2:13.3 average split. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Row Conditioning 
DF 115

Focus on consistent power. I went in thinking I would hold this at my target half-marathon pace (2:20-ish) just to practice staying at this pace/rate combo for a sustained period of time. After 10 minutes I started a pattern of 5 power strokes followed by 35 normal strokes to help break the monotony. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Row Recovery 
7500m row

This was a custom workout on the PM5 - five alternating 1000/500m intervals with no rest between. I treated this as more of a recovery effort. I turned the drag down (107) and kept this low and slow - sat around 2:25 throughout. 

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: barbell bench press @ 175-pounds
30 banded triceps push downs (two hands, purple band)

Thursday, January 12, 2023

9x2:20 on / 1:20 rest 
Intervals 1/4/7 - Row 275m then max db snatch (35#)
Intervals 2/5/8 - Row 275m then max sit-ups
Intervals 3/6/9 - Row 275m then max step-ups (20")

🎯 2k plus 4-5 seconds

Warmed up with DH 10-minute build before hitting this piece. Hit 20 reps for each in the first three intervals, then fell off slightly to between 15-18 each round the rest of the way. Fun workout that got me sweaty this morning. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Five rounds, not for time: 
5 deadlifts
20 banded sit-ups

Warmed up on the rower prior to the metcon. Used double overhand grip with fat gripz for the deadlifts at 155-pounds across all five sets. The banded sit-up variation never fails to punish your midline. Woof!! 🐕🐕

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Row Intervals 
12x 1:30//1:00r
🎯 165 watts (2:08.5)
Rate: 18
DF 123

Target was average of 165W each interval to hit the desired pace. It is more difficult to keep a consistent watt rating than it is a split - however if you get good at being consistent with your watt rating, splits will feel that much easier to hold steady.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Row Conditioning
5000m with rate changes every 1000m 
🎯 22 minutes
DF 110

Was short on time with the return to office today and I got right into this one without a warmup. While this is a sub-max effort, aim to be faster than when you did this a month ago.

Friday, January 6, 2023

2x 2000m with rate increase per below
1000m @ r24
500m @ r26
250m @ r28 
250m @r30
Rest 4 mins between 

Came in with no warmup or goal pace in mind. The r24 work was a little slower (~2:12) but I dropped my split by 3-4 seconds with each rate increase finishing the r30 around 2:00/500m. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

For Load 
Bench Press 
5 sets x 7 reps

EMOM 12:00
Minute 1: 30-second support hold
Minute 2: Rest

Warmed up on the rower before hitting the bench. Was conservative on the bench - opened at 155, then bumped to 185-195-185 and dropped down to 135 for the final set. For the support holds, used the dip bars. Focused on open hips and full body extension. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Row Intervals 
8x 1000m // 2:00 rest
🎯 2k plus 14
DF 116

Last time I did this, rest periods were 1:30 between each. With a bit longer rest, I wanted to go a little faster. Used the first set to warmup before settling into my target pace. Happy with the consistency.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

No meters to count, no calories to burn, no watts to hold, 500 is the number of strokes rowed in this workout. That's it, we row 500 strokes.  
NOTE: "On" = Powerful Strokes  "Off" = Easy Strokes
Segment 1 (Warm Up): (200 Strokes @24)
30 Strokes Off / 10 Strokes On
25 Strokes Off / 15 Strokes On
20 Strokes Off / 20 Strokes On 
15 Strokes Off / 25 Strokes On
10 Strokes Off / 30 Strokes On
Segment 2: (100 Strokes @26)
5 Rounds...
5 Strokes To Build
10 Strokes For Power
5 Strokes Off
Segment 3: (200 Strokes @22)
Stroke Pyramid 1 On / 1 Off, 2 On / 2 Off...10 On / 10 Off, 9 On / 9 Off back down to 1 On / 1 Off

I continued to row lightly between segments where the podcast took a break and started the monitor anew so I ended up with more than 500 strokes.