Monday, February 27, 2023

Workout 47 - RowErg - Let it Run 
5 x 1 Minute Intervals
Increasing Stroke Rate @17/18/19/20/21 
2 x 30 Seconds Hard @21 with 30 Seconds Rest
4 x 1 Minute Intervals
Increasing Stroke Rate @22/23/24/25
3 x 30 Seconds Hard @25 with 30 Seconds Rest
3 x 1 Minute Intervals
Increasing Stroke Rate @26/27/28
4 x 30 Seconds Hard @28 with 30 Seconds Rest
2 x 1 Minute Intervals
Increasing Stroke Rate @29/30 
5 x 30 Seconds Hard @30 with 30 Seconds Rest

The first five-minute segment is more of an extended warm-up. The remaining intervals should be done at a moderate pace (~75%). Bring the power for those 30-second bits while holding your technique. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Row Intervals  
4x5 minutes continuous intervals

Interval 1: 2:00 @ r16, 1:00 @ r24, 2:00 @ r16
Interval 2: 2:00 @ r18, 1:00 @ r26, 2:00 @ r18
Interval 3: 2:00 @ r20, 1:00 @ r28, 2:00 @ r20
Interval 4: 2:00 @ r22, 1:00 @ r30, 2:00 @ r22

Each one-minute interval should be an all-out sprint. The two minute lower rate bookend intervals should be done around 75%. Follow the push don't pull mantra - how much can you put into every single stroke. R16 was very difficult for me, it really requires a SLOW recovery period which I struggled with. I couldn't regularly hold this rate without a slight pause at the finish. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

"Low: High"  
8 x 2 mins 
Spend the first minute at a lower rate and then step up to a higher rate for the second minute
1: r20-->r24
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r22-->r26
1: r24-->r28
1: r26-->r30
1: r28-->r32
1 minute rest between rounds

Followed along with DH rowing vid from Rowvember 2021. Came out too conservative on the first two rounds. A low rate does not mean 'go slow' - you just need to shift your ratio to a strong drive and slower recovery to keep a good split. As the stroke rate goes up accelerate back with the leg push taking the resistance with you. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Row Conditioning 
DF 116

Came in wanting to do a 2000m row with 5 deadlifts on the minute. I warmed up with some light rowing and banded good mornings but my low back had other ideas so I pivoted to the recovery row. 

20 Rep Squat Program - Week Two

No issues here. Keep going up in weight until your form breaks down, or you are unable to keep the set under 2 minutes. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Stroke Rate Pyramid 
2 Rounds 
10:00 work // 2:00 rest

During the first 10 mins, increase rate each minute from 18-30 (by 2s) and then back down to a 26 followed by a 22 and finishing at 18spm. For the second interval, spend two minutes at each stroke rate with the first minute at low intensity and adding some power during the second minute. Begin at r20 and increase to 24 then 28 before coming back down to a 26 and finishing at 22. 

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Held 205-pounds across all sets. Pause for a second with the bar on your chest and again when locked out at the top, but the focus should be on pressing fast. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"Cal Rippen" 

50-40-30-20-10 calorie row
-rest 10 minutes-
50-40-30-20-10 calorie ski

These were written as HARD intervals, with up to 3 minutes rest between efforts to allow for 'reach' pacing on each. I kept these on the MODERATE side, with a goal to go faster with each interval. SkiErg still equals death for me 👻👻 - need to work on being more efficient. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

2023 VAULT 5: "DJOSER" 
500m row
12 DB step-ups (25's/20-inch box)
24 hang cleans (95)
12 DB step-ups
30 push jerks (95)
12 DB step-ups
24 hang cleans
12 DB step-ups
500m row


Was cautious with the weight on the DB step-ups but was able to stay unbroken all four rounds. Broke the hang cleans and push jerks into three sets, probably resting more than I needed to between sets. Give yourself a 10-second countdown before getting back to work otherwise it is easy to burn valuable seconds. Warmed up on the rower with 15 minute rate climb (above photo).

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Row Series XI - Event 2
Get Fast At Tiffany's
Pick a target distance to complete under 10 minutes
***Penalty of 10m for every 0.1 seconds over 10 minutes***
Set split length to 500m

2A: Total Distance (2300m)
2B: Time for first 500m (2:07.9)

There is definitely room to improve -- the target was based on a 2:10.4 split and I finished below 2:05 which would be 2400m. Warmed up with DH 10-minute build to get acclimated to the higher rate. Missed the note about the first 500m being scored which may help to lower the time or make this effort that much worse 🤢

Friday, February 17, 2023

Rowing Long Intervals 
4-6-8-10-8-6-4 min pyramid / 2 min rest

Some longer, low-stress intervals. You have over 1000 opportunities to find the best technique you can. Hold target pace and rate for the half-marathon. Used the rower at Kennett Y and didn't check the drag ahead of time. Damper was at 5 but drag was just 98. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

20 Rep Squat Program - Week One


Start with a VERY light weight. Each week, increase the load by a small amount until you are no longer able to hit all 20 SAFELY. The idea is to warm up to a weight you can squat for a set of eight to 12 reps, then squat it for 20 reps instead. If you have to pause at the top of each rep and take a few breaths before dropping back down, then so be it. Keep to Thursday schedule from now on since you don't have to goto the office. Did the squats after my row this afternoon. 

9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5) 

This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.

Aim to be faster each round
Rate: 22

Negative splits are usually one of those things that inexperienced athletes can do for one or two rounds, but quickly learn they came out too hot and ditch the effort. Start off slow and realize you have nine sets to gradually speed up. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 Rowing Time Trial 
⏱️ 1:00
🎯 300m 
DF 155 (for TT)

Disappointed with this effort. I had turned the drag down to 101 during the warmup. The jump to 155 for the time trial was too big a swing - the flywheel felt heavy and I was unable to keep the desired pace. Target is 300+ meters which means you need to hold 1:40 or faster.  A minute sprint is all about how long you can hold an uncomfortable rate/pace -- shorten your stroke and focus on keeping that rate up! 
Row / Ski Ladder 
60R/10S -- 50R/20S -- 40R/30S -- 30R/40S -- 20R/50S -- 10R/60S

You'll start with 60 calories on the rower, then do 10 calories on the SkiErg. Work your way through the ladder until you complete 10 cals on the rower and 60 cals on the SkiErg. I bailed after the round of 30 row / 40 ski because my arms were smoked. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Recovery Row 
2-minutes rest 
Rate 20
HR cap at 140bpm
DF 118 

Woke up with a sore lower back from yesterday. Did some foam rolling and scorpion stretch before sitting down to row. Still a bit slower than where I wanted to be (135W). 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Street Parking Saturday 01/07/2023 
4 Rounds
250m row 
15 barbell clean and jerk @ 75lbs
250m row 
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds

Score: Fastest Round Time (3:33.6 - Rd 4)
Score: Slowest Round Time (3:52.0 - Rd 2)
Goal: 2:40-4:00

Warmed up with DH 10-min build and some PVC work before getting into this metcon. Notes said to push the pace on the erg, keeping each row below 60 seconds. Broke the cleans 10&5 each round, aiming to get these done in 1:30-2:00.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

300 Dart Challenge 

Time: 12:12
Score: 13,770 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2741m

Average was 45.9 points per stroke. This is good practice for dialing a specific rate and pace and staying consistent. Use this as a warmup leading up to your next attempt at a half-marathon (2:19 @ r22). 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Row Series III - Event I 

"The Widowmaker"
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, done!

A) Slowest 650m time: 2:40.8 (3rd)
B) Fastest 650m time: 2:37.9 (Last) 

You already know how this one is going to feel. Take your medicine. Put in a good warmup dialing in the rate and pace prior to starting. #LASTFAST

Thursday, February 9, 2023

'Everything is Equal'
15 rounds of:
1 min work 1 min rest
Rounds 1-14 26 SPM aim to achieve EXACTLY the same meterage each round.
Round 15 30+SPM MAX distance effort.

Followed along with DH vid. Came out a little too conservative early on and reset my target at the halfway mark. Drag was set to 116.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

300 Dart Challenge 

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 12:43
Score: 13,390 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2797m

Spend the time forming excellent strokes. Was cruising along to a nice score but got a call from Lauren around the seven-minute mark that threw off my rhythm. Held around 23-24 spm at 2:15-2:16 throughout. 
50-40-30-20-10 reps of: 
double unders*
straight-leg sit-ups
*double the volume if doing singles

Warmed up with DH 10-minute build (2136m). Wanted to keep things simple, so I opted for straight-leg rather than butterfly or banded sit-ups. Used the drag rope for singles. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

9000m Fartlek Variable Row
900m (Easy) Row
100m (Hard) Row
800m (Easy) Row
200m (Hard) Row
...continue this pattern until
100m (Easy) Row
900m (Hard) Row

You'll row the entire 9000m unbroken as nine sets of 1000m. Each 1000m set will be split as described above. Suggested pacing is 2:20.5 for the EASY and 2:06.5 for the HARD. I found it difficult to maintain the HARD pace as I got into the later rounds. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

A: Bench Press


B: Accessory Work
5 Rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest

C: Handstand Pushups
Attempt a max set within 5 minutes of completing accessory work

11 reps

Woke up with a sore lower back and right knee. Spent 10 minutes or so debating what to do on the rower before pivoting to bench press. Short on time and did not mobilize or warmup. Made it through the first four bars without a spotter. The last few reps with 205 was a struggle - the final rep was a ten-second battle but was able to get through 7 reps without a spotter. Head to pancake on HSPU, need to go with something thinner to make sure you are getting proper depth. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

1000m @ r24, right into stroke rate pyramid
10 on /10 off @ r24
15 on/15 off @ r26
20 on/20 off @ r28
15 on/15 off @ r30
10 on /10 off @ r32

On the Concept 2:
2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min pyramid / 2 min easy
Pre-set the monitor for 22 minutes. Row five intervals in a pyramid of 2-3-4-3-2 minutes, with two minutes of rest in between each piece.

DF 123
🎯 2:00/500m pace

Friday, February 3, 2023

Workout 8 - RowErg - Power Pyramid  
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Warm Up (12 Minutes) Test the Waters
4 X 2:30 Work Intervals with :30 Rest in between
1 Min @ 22, 1 Min @ 24, 30 Secs @ 26
1 Min @ 24, 1 Min @ 26, 30 Secs @ 28
1 Min @ 26, 1 Min @ 28, 30 Secs @ 30
1 Min @ 28, 1 Min @ 30, 30 Secs @ 32

Workout (28 Minutes) Power Pyramid
14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between
2:00 // 1:45 // 1:30 // 1:15 // 1:00 // 0:45 // 0:30 // 0:30 // 0:45 // 1:00 / 1:15 // 1:30 // 1:45 // 2:00

Rate: 24
DF: 120

Thursday, February 2, 2023

100′ Farmers Carry (70lb KB)
50 Calorie Ski
100′ Farmers Carry
50 Burpees
100′ Farmers Carry

Warmed up with DH 10-min build (2170 meters). Burpees are starting to feel easier - or at least I have tricked myself into thinking so. Still the burpees were the sticking point in this workout. I find counting off smaller sets within a set makes them more manageable. For example, instead of counting 1-9, count 1-3 and start over, repeating until you get 9 or 12. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

12 Burpees
*Record your slowest time
Ninja:  < 28 seconds
Advanced: < 31 seconds
Intermediate: < 34 seconds
Novice: < 37 seconds

Warmed up with DH 10-minute build (2121 meters) to get primed for the burpees. Was short on time and wanted to keep the workout around 15 minutes.  I scaled to 10 burpees and was finished under 30 seconds each round. Should have stayed with the prescribed 12 reps.