Monday, February 6, 2023

A: Bench Press


B: Accessory Work
5 Rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest

C: Handstand Pushups
Attempt a max set within 5 minutes of completing accessory work

11 reps

Woke up with a sore lower back and right knee. Spent 10 minutes or so debating what to do on the rower before pivoting to bench press. Short on time and did not mobilize or warmup. Made it through the first four bars without a spotter. The last few reps with 205 was a struggle - the final rep was a ten-second battle but was able to get through 7 reps without a spotter. Head to pancake on HSPU, need to go with something thinner to make sure you are getting proper depth. 

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