Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Stroke Rate Pyramid 
2 Rounds 
10:00 work // 2:00 rest

During the first 10 mins, increase rate each minute from 18-30 (by 2s) and then back down to a 26 followed by a 22 and finishing at 18spm. For the second interval, spend two minutes at each stroke rate with the first minute at low intensity and adding some power during the second minute. Begin at r20 and increase to 24 then 28 before coming back down to a 26 and finishing at 22. 

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Held 205-pounds across all sets. Pause for a second with the bar on your chest and again when locked out at the top, but the focus should be on pressing fast. 

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