Thursday, December 31, 2015

Barbell Cycling
Use one barbell and change weights during rest period.
4 Snatches + 8 CJ, 105-pounds, 2 min rest
3 Snatches + 7 CJ, 115-pounds, 2 min rest
2 Snatches + 6 CJ, 125-pounds, 2 min rest
1 Snatch + 5 CJ,145-pounds

Finished with two rounds of:
15 Calorie Row

Wanted to get (5) but time was a factor.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

(12) V-Ups & (6) Burpees between each set


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A: 4X6 UB Cleans for total time @ 145-pounds -- rest as little as possible
B: 3X9 UB Snatches for total time @ 95-pounds -- rest as little as possible
C: For Time:
30 Thrusters
90 Singles
20 Thrusters
60 Singles
10 Thrusters
30 Singles

Used 75-pounds for Thrusters.

A: 3:31
B: 3:16
C: 8:37

With a running clock...
1: At 0:00, EMOM 7:00
1 Power Snatch -- begin around 70% of 1RM and build
2:At 10:00, 1:30 to complete
ME Power Snatch at 75% of best lift on #1

A: 1X3 @80%; 2X2 @85%; 1X1 @ 95%; 1X1 @100%.
Paused Front Squats (3 count pause at bottom, no bounce to stand) -- rest :90 seconds
B: 4X30 seconds Weighted Bar Lockout Holds (hold lockout at finish position of dip) -- rest :90 seconds
BBG: 150-pounds; 14 reps @ 110-pounds

A: Cleaned bar from ground. 150-160-175-185-pounds. Failed at 185-pounds, missed clean.
B: Used 25-pound plate; all sets unbroken.

Monday, December 28, 2015

A: Pullup Practice
10 Strict Pullups AFSAP

B: Conditioning
20:00 AMRAP of:
40 Calorie Row
20 V-Ups
10 Strict HSPU

3 Full + 23 Calories Rowed

Note: Rows averaged 600m per; last attempt was 350m

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Every 1:30 for 9:00 (7 total sets)-
1 Power Clean & Push Jerk – begin around 75% of max PC&PJ and work to a max single for the day

135-180lbs. Failed last lift at 190lbs. 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch (full)
Work up to a heavy load on the complex.

Worked up to 145-pounds for the complex

A: Evil Annie
5 RDS:
100 Singles
15 Evil Wheels

All sets and reps unbroken.

B: Tabata Battle Ropes

Mixed up double wave and alternating wave on battle ropes.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

1 Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk

Work up to a max for the day on the complex. Practice efficient re-racking of the barbell from overhead. Catching and moving directly into the next jerk is the ideal.

Worked up to 155-pounds on press complex. Limiting factor was the shoulder press obviously.

30-20-10 Reps For Time:
AbMat Sit-Ups

Try to cycle efficiently on HSPU, 2-3 sets for the 30, 1-2 for the 20, and unbroken for the 10. Perform the sit ups on a soft surface and with momentum. Sub for Double Unders is3:1 Singles

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

EMOM for 10:00-
2 Poisition Snatch 1 High Hang (mid thigh) + 1 Hang (just above knee)
*Begin between 50-60% of max Snatch, and work to a max single for the day.
Worked up to best set of 145-pounds.

3 Rounds:
Single Unbroken Set of Wall Ball Shots @ 15lbs
-Rest 90 secs-
30 Cal Row For Time
-Rest 3 mins-

*You get out of it what you put into it. Push yourself to find a true max reps set.


A: Back Squat
1X8 @ 60% (185)
4X8 @ 68% (205)
Limit rest to under 2:00

B: 3 RDS:
18 Calorie Row
15 HR Pushups
12 Box Jumps @ 20"

As Rx'd this was to be a 12 minute AMRAP. This was done at about 75%; still getting over a cold and it was tough to get my breath. Row was 1:11 and just under 300 meters each time.

C: 10 Minutes StairClimber - Level 8
First time on SC; could probably go with higher level (increased steps per min)

D: Accessory Work
Hollow Rocks + Hold 3X15+15s
Arch Rocks 3X15
Bicep Curls 3X20 @ 12.5lbs

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Hang Squat Clean

5: 135-135lbs
3: 155x2-165lbs
1: 170-175-185-190(F)

Friday, December 18, 2015

A: 5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Front Squat
Push Jerk

Must clean bar from the ground. Rest as needed between sets.

135-145-155-165-175lbs. Limiting factor was having to clean bar from ground.

B: EMOM 10:
25 HS Shoulder Taps
100 Jump Rope Singles

EMOM for 10:00 (10 total sets)-
1 Power Snatch – begin around 70% of max Power Snatch and work to a max for the day

Start at 105lbs; best lift was 15lbs. Failed at 150lbs (3) times.

5 rounds of:
Row 500m (all out effort)
Rest 1:1

1:50.4 -- 1:51.1  -- 1:54.7 -- 1:58.9 -- 1:59.3

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

3 Rounds:
10 Snatches @ 75lbs
15 Burpees
10 Snatches @ 75lbs
15 Wall Balls @ 15lbs

Rest (2) minutes between rounds
A: EMOM 10:
1 Hang Clean (from mid-thigh) + 1 Jerk
Start at 50% and add weight each round.

185 was best lift. Failed to clean 190 on last two rounds.

B: Handstand Hold + HS Shoulder Taps

C: 10RFT:
100m Row
10 KB Swings @ 40lbs


D: Hollow Hold + Rocks

Monday, December 14, 2015

Crossfit Open 13.1

40 Burpees
30 Snatches (75/45)
30 Burpees
30 Snatches (135/75)
20 Burpees
30 Snatches (165/100)
10 Burpees
As many Snatches (210/120) as possible

Completed 134 reps (all 75-pound snatches + 4 burpees). Used Rx weights for women.Burpees were tough. I was stringing together 7-8 at a time.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

4 sprints of:
25-meter handstand walk
Then, 4 sprints of:
50-meter walking lunge

Rest at least 2 minutes between efforts.

Note: Subbed 25 HS Shoulder Taps for HS Walk. HS Taps at No Excuses. Lunges were at football field on Wickersham -- 25 meters out and back.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

In 3 minutes complete:
15 Wall balls (20/14)
15 Snatches (95/65)
15 Wall balls (20/14)
Rest 3 Minutes
In 5 minutes complete:
25 Wall balls (20/14)
10 Snatches (135/95)
25 Wall balls (20/14)
Rest 5 minutes
In 7 minutes complete:
35 Wall balls (20/14)
5 Snatches (155/105)
35 Wall balls (20/14)

The weights are suggestions. Pick weights that you can handle. Each section must be heavier than the previous. You can think of Part 2 as “Isabel” and part 1 and part 3 lighter than and heavier than “Isabel”.

Used 65/95/115lbs for the Snatches. Used 15lb WB. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Every 1:30 for 9:00 (7 total sets)-
3 T&G Power Snatches -- build to heavy 3RM

Best set was 130lbs. Failed at 135lbs on 6th attempt.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

(6) sets: 
Against a 2 minute clock, row 200 meters, AMRAP Burpees in remaining time - rest 2 minutes 
Score is total # of burpees 

13-13-13-12-13-12 for 76 total burpees
A: For Time:
9 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs
10 Ball Slams
6 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs
15 Ball Slams
3 Hang Cleans
20 Ball Slams

B: 6 RFT:
One-Arm KB Swings, 10 reps, alternate arms
Lateral Box Shuffle, 8 reps each side, 12" box
10-20-10yd Shuttle Run


C: Tabata Battle Ropes

Notes: Power Cleans were SLOW. Broke them up into sets of 3 with :30 or so between efforts. Should have scaled down to 135lbs to be able to sprint through WOD. All Ball Slams were unbroken. Mixed up double wave and alternating wave on battle ropes.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Every (3) minutes, for (15) minutes (5 sets):
Push Press x 3-5 reps

Goal is to find today's 5RM. If you get 5 good reps, move up on the next set.

Every minute, on the minute, for (15) minutes:
Minute 1 -- Row 200 meters
Minute 2 -- 8 HSPU (head to sand bell)
Minute 3 -- 40 Double Unders (subbed 100 singles)

A: 135-155-175-185-185(3)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Every 3 minutes for 21 minutes:
20 Jumping Lunges
100 Meter Sprint

Used Curve Treadmill for Sprints.
Averaged :50 per round. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Complete 10 rounds:
3 Power Snatches @ 115lbs
10 Evil Wheels 

All sets and reps unbroken.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Odd: 200m
Even: Rest
The goal is to have every round within 1-2 seconds of each other.

All splits completed within :43-:45 seconds. Damper set at 7.
Tabata push press 65 lb

Snatch 65 lb

Rest :90 seconds between sets
Rest as needed between push presses and snatches.

Push Press: Rounds 1-4 (10) reps; Rounds 5-8 (8) reps
All snatches were unbroken

Finish with (50) Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Tabata front squats 85 lbs

Deadlift 155 lbs

Rest :90 seconds between sets
Rest as needed between front squats and deadlifts.

Front Squats were between 6-8 each set.
All deadlifts were unbroken.