Tuesday, December 29, 2015

With a running clock...
1: At 0:00, EMOM 7:00
1 Power Snatch -- begin around 70% of 1RM and build
2:At 10:00, 1:30 to complete
ME Power Snatch at 75% of best lift on #1

A: 1X3 @80%; 2X2 @85%; 1X1 @ 95%; 1X1 @100%.
Paused Front Squats (3 count pause at bottom, no bounce to stand) -- rest :90 seconds
B: 4X30 seconds Weighted Bar Lockout Holds (hold lockout at finish position of dip) -- rest :90 seconds
BBG: 150-pounds; 14 reps @ 110-pounds

A: Cleaned bar from ground. 150-160-175-185-pounds. Failed at 185-pounds, missed clean.
B: Used 25-pound plate; all sets unbroken.

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