Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A: For Time:
9 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs
10 Ball Slams
6 Hang Cleans @ 155lbs
15 Ball Slams
3 Hang Cleans
20 Ball Slams

B: 6 RFT:
One-Arm KB Swings, 10 reps, alternate arms
Lateral Box Shuffle, 8 reps each side, 12" box
10-20-10yd Shuttle Run


C: Tabata Battle Ropes

Notes: Power Cleans were SLOW. Broke them up into sets of 3 with :30 or so between efforts. Should have scaled down to 135lbs to be able to sprint through WOD. All Ball Slams were unbroken. Mixed up double wave and alternating wave on battle ropes.

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