Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Build to a heavy 5RM Strict Press
2 sets of Max Effort Strict Press @ 60% of today's 5RM

A: 165lbs
B: 17 & 17 @ 100lbs

Notes: This was intended to be done with deadlifts but as I warmed up to heavy 5RM my back was not cooperating and I decided to back off after a single at 245. Pivot to the press -- surprised myself with the 5X set @ 165. Took 2-3 minutes rest between each heavy set (135-145-155-165) and another 2 minutes between each max set. I may have been able to gut out 1 or 2 more reps on the max set, expecially on the first attempt, but overall very happy with this effort.

0:30 Hollow Hold
1:00 Rest

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