9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9”.
Record total meters, best/worst split.
15:00 minutes
3715 meters rowed
Best Split: 1:57.3
Worst Split: 2:02.8
Average Stroke Rate: 23spm
Notes: I wanted to pay attention to maintaining as close to an ideal force curve as possible. The curve shows your total force as you use your legs, back and arms during each pull of the drive. Ideally, the curve shows the legs generating the most force (around 60% of the power), followed by the back (30% of the power) and finally the arms (10% of the power). This is what creates the bell shape: the legs are the strongest and biggest muscles, and help create the “peak”. As Founder Peter Dreissigacker explains, "Even if you have 'good' technique, doing rows where you watch the Force Curve and use a low damper setting can help improve your rowing."
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