Tuesday, December 24, 2019

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

14 x 2:00 work intervals with no rest in between

2:00 / 1:45 / 1:30 / 1:15 / 1:00 / 0:45 / 0:30 / 0:30 / 0:45 / 1:00 / 1:15 / 1:30 / 1:45 / 2:00

Each two minute interval that passes, we will increase the amount of rest by 0:15 seconds, until we reach the interval with 0:30 seconds work. At that point, we will gradually decrease the amount of each rest interval by 0:15 seconds until we get back to the 2:00 work interval. As the time of work decreases, we will work to increase the amount of power (in watts). Since I am treating this as a recovery row, the goal should be to keep average watts at or around 190.

Time: 17:30.0
Distance: 4257 meters
Watts (average): 187
Pace (per 500m): 2:03.3

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